Page 17 of Tainted Deception
“I was going to let you run deeper into the woods,” he murmured between kisses, “before catching you. And after some teasing, I was going to let you go again. Because by the time I’d finally have you pinned, you’d be soaked for me. And the only thing that would be coming out of your mouth would be pleas for more.”
Oh fuck.
Heat pooled in my lower stomach when Jace moved his palm again, and my pussy clenched. This was so bad. He and Kian had kept me trapped in my dorm for days, yet here I was, panting under him just from his small touch. I needed to get away from him before I lost my head and actually let him fuck me.
Now was the perfect time since he was balancing on only one hand. But the way his other hand was teasing my pussy was making it difficult to concentrate on my escape. I cursed under my breath before wrapping my arms around his waist and rolling him off me. He caught himself before he face-planted, but by then I was already scrambling off the ground. I started running the second I was on my feet.
Jace laughed from behind me. “I’ll give you five seconds before I chase.”
I rolled my eyes. I knew these woods better than either of them. I just needed a good head start to get lost in the darkness. Only I didn’t get that chance because a second later, an arm shot out from behind a tree. I let out a cry of surprise, twisting my body to dodge him, but he stepped closer, and his fingers wrapped around my arm.
“Now, why was Jace touching you first?” Kian murmured, grabbing my other arm and dragging me behind the tree. “He’s not the one you tied to the bed and promised sex to.”
My back hit the trunk of the tree as his hands gripped my upper arms to keep me in place. I raised my knee, and he turned slightly so that I hit his thigh instead of his groin. With a chuckle, he pressed himself against me as I struggled.
“I caught you,” he said in a gruff voice. “Do I get to fuck you now?”
“Is that what you want?” I asked, my chest heaving. “Even after everything I did to you?”
“It’s all I’ve wanted since I had you screaming under me on your bed.”
“You’re not mad about me giving you to the Phantoms?” I asked skeptically.
“Do I trust you?” he mused. “Absolutely not. But I’m not going to pretend that changes how I feel about you. How fucking badly I want you.”
Nerves skittered through me at the truth in his voice. After everything I’d done to him, he still didn’t hate me. I almost wished he did. It would make everything a lot easier.
“All I need to hear isyes,” he said in a low voice, dropping his head until his lips were a breath from mine. “And I’ll fuck you right here.”
I paused for a moment before whispering, “Yes.”
He didn’t hesitate. He slammed his lips to mine, stealing a kiss. I opened my mouth, letting him slide his tongue in, and I kissed him back, trying to keep my head clear. But tasting him made that difficult. Soon, his grip on my arms loosened, and I continued to kiss him until I was sure I could slip away.
When he dropped his arm to wrap it around my waist, I made my move. I snatched his wrist with one hand while shoving my body into him to get myself away from the tree. He was already reaching for me, but I ducked under his arm, keeping my hold on his wrist.
“I can’t make this easy, can I?” I taunted, twisting his arm behind his back. “Sorry, Kian.”
He grunted, attempting to spin around, but I’d already shoved him forward, making him stumble away from me. I fucking bolted, hearing him let out a curse before his laugh cut through the air. And then I heard Jace’s voice, making me speed up.
“If I get her first, then she’s mine,” Jace called out from somewhere in the darkness.
I found the trail again and took a chance, veering back toward The Pit. Since I couldn’t get inside, my new plan was to go back to the dorms and find Alicia. I only got a bit down the dirt trail before footsteps came from behind me. I let out a scream when an arm hooked around my waist. My heart was racing, adrenaline surging through my veins, and I knew I was playing with fire when it came to both of them.
Yet that didn’t stop heat from flooding me when a hand slipped under the waistband of my leggings. He was at my back, and I wasn’t even sure if it was Jace or Kian when fingers reached my clit.
“Mm. Not wet enough yet,” Jace murmured in my ear. “We’ll have to fix that.”
I bit back my cry when he pinched my clit before rubbing in slow circles. He wasn’t holding me tightly, as if he was expecting me to run off again. Which was exactly what I did a second later as I pulled away from him. My body protested, wanting more of his touch, but I forced it away as I sprinted from him. Leaving the trail, I grumbled as I turned the opposite way and headed deeper into the woods. I had a feeling they were trying to make sure I couldn’t get back to the dorms.
My pulse was thudding in my ears, making it harder to hear if they were getting close. I pushed through some overgrown bushes, glancing over my shoulder, and realized I couldn’t see a damn thing. The clouds had covered the moon. I wondered how long it would last. The darkness could be a benefit if I could make it all the way to the dorms without them catching up.
Something moved in front of me, and I skidded to a halt before spinning around and cutting to the left.
“It almost seems like you don’t want to get away.” Kian’s voice filtered through the darkness. “Come here, Rynn. I promise you’ll enjoy it.”
A branch snapped behind me. Right fucking behind me. Before I could turn around, a hand came over my mouth, and I was yanked into a hard chest. My words were nothing but muffled grunts as I was dragged backward, farther from Kian.
“Shh,” Jace shushed me, his hand staying clamped over my mouth. “I don’t feel like sharing you.”