Page 49 of Tainted Deception
“Yeah,” I mumbled, not enjoying his questions.
“You seemed to know them pretty well, if your interaction with them last night is anything to go by.”
“Drop it, Reese,” I warned him as we stepped outside. “That’s business, and none of it concerns you.”
“You’re the girl in Little Haven, aren’t you?” Reese cocked his head, his eyes lighting up when I stayed silent. “There’s been talk about a girl making a play for Little Haven. Or at least getting in the way of Jace and Kian. You’re in bigger leagues than I thought, Shadow.”
My heart thumped faster, panic making my blood grow cold as I considered what to say. If Reese had put it together that easily, others would too. Especially if I was seen with Jace or Kian in public. Rumors would grow, and my little invisible life on campus would be over. It was only a matter of time. Making it even more important that I get everything in place before then.
“Grimrose and the Disciples are dying to get control of Little Haven.” His scrutinizing stare had my guard rising. “Why do I sense that you’re involved in everything happening there?”
“No idea what you’re talking about,” I responded coolly, having no intention of admitting anything. He might have helped me out, but I wasn’t blurting out my story to him.
His lips lifted in a knowing grin, and he shook his head. “Whatever you say.”
“Thanks for letting me stay,” I said, veering the conversation away from Little Haven. “I’ll leave today so you can have your bed back.”
“Stay,” he rushed out, putting his arm on my shoulder. “I’ll stop the questions, even though I think I’m right.”
“Right now, I just want to go find coffee.”
“There’s an amazing coffee shop around the block. I’ll text you the name of it. Or I can go with you.”
I gently pushed his arm off me, shooting him a smile. “I’ll see you later.”
“If you need anything, just call.” He nodded at the two guys who were hovering near a couple of bikes. “My men are around if I’m busy. Not sure if I told you that we own this building, so a few other guys from my MC live here.”
“Thanks,” I told him as I patted my leggings pocket to make sure my phone was still there. I’d worn Reese’s clothes to bed last night, and when I’d woken up, my clothes from last night had been washed. I still had my luggage at the hotel but had no intention of going back for it now. I was positive Gage hadn’t left Sterling yet, and I still wasn’t in the mood to talk to him.
“See you later,” he called out as I walked down the sidewalk. I turned and gave him a wave before nodding to the two MC members as I passed them.
The morning was warm, and I enjoyed the sun as I walked, trying to clear my head. Other than a text to Ellie’s burner phone, telling her I was fine, I hadn’t explained anything else. She hadn’t asked how the job went, making me believe Gage had already broken the news to her. Although I was sure he hadn’t admitted exactly how that happened. If he had, Ellie would have been calling nonstop for answers. With a sigh, I pushed away those thoughts, not wanting to deal with it until I was back on campus.
I turned the corner, seeing the coffee shop that Reese told me about, and sped up my pace. The place was packed, and I could smell the aroma of coffee from here. My steps faltered, my excitement turning into shock when I spotted a familiar face sitting outside the coffee shop.
What the fuck?
Jace caught my eye, his taunting smile widening as he beckoned me over with a nod of his head. My pulse thrashed as I backed up a step, wondering how the hell he’d found me. And why the fuck he was here. I’d expected Gage to be looking for me, not him.
Glancing around, I saw a small side street, and I rushed toward it, determined to disappear before he caught up to me. I didn’t want to lead him straight to Reese’s building, so I decided to go around the block and slip back into the apartment from the back way. I peeked over my shoulder, and my stomach flipped as Jace stood and began casually walking in my direction. I could just call Reese, but then his MC would most likely get involved, and I really didn’t need more eyes on me. I didn’t need anyone else wondering who the hell I was and why I was important to the Disciples.
Once I was on the narrow side street, I broke out into a run, hearing his footsteps behind me. I screeched to a halt when the door of a parked SUV on the side of the street swung open. No way was that a coincidence. I darted to the other side to go around, but before I got another step, an arm banded around my waist, yanking me back.
“Did you have a good night?” Jace murmured in my ear as he pulled me toward the SUV.
“Fuck off,” I snarled, shoving my elbow into his ribs before grabbing his arm and wrenching it at an awkward angle. He hissed out a breath as I tore away from him, but I didn’t get far before an arm shot out of the SUV, catching my wrist. Kian leaned halfway out of the vehicle, pulling me toward him. Before I could do anything, Jace pushed on my back, shoving me into Kian. I let out a scream of frustration as I was thrown into the back seat.
I was in the middle seat, and once Jace slammed the door closed, the SUV took off. Without so much as looking at either of them, I dug my phone out of my pocket, keeping a tight grip on it in case they tried taking it. I quickly found Gage’s number, not hesitating to call. I might have been mad at him, but I knew he’d come. I wasn’t chancing being stuck with Jace and Kian again. The last time they’d pulled this shit, I ended up locked in my dorm for days.
My heart stuttered when a phone began ringing from the front seat. I went rigid, my head snapping up, my eyes meeting his in the rearview mirror. Gage’s focus went back to the road when he turned as I continued staring at him in utter shock.
“I’m glad you called me instead of the dick you left with last night,” Gage said, a sharp edge to his voice as he glanced at me in the mirror again. “You didn’t think I’d stay away, did you?”
“No,” I shot back, swallowing my surprise. “But maybe you should explain what you’re doing here with them.”
“Mutual interest,” Kian piped up, nudging his shoulder against mine.
“Better to deal with the assholes I know than the ones I don’t,” Gage answered casually. “We don’t need more people interfering in Little Haven. We’re going home, where everything goes back to normal.”