Page 98 of Tainted Deception
“I had no idea my dad was planning this,” Kian said in a rush. “I never would have brought her to him—”
“Is she in Pacific Point?” I cut him off, releasing Tripp as I turned toward Jace.
Kian hesitated. “Yes.”
“You son of a bitch.” I moved to grab the phone, and Jace stepped away, shaking his head.
“I didn’t know,” Kian swore. “I never would have brought her here. My dad planned it all. And he knows I texted you when he was in my dorm. He doesn’t trust me. I was barely able to sneak away to make this call.”
“Get her out,” Jace ordered, panic creeping into his voice. “She can’t stay in Pacific Point. If Chris finds out—”
“I can’t,” Kian interrupted. “I told you—my dad knows I was helping her stay on campus. They won’t even let me see her.”
“You better tell him that he’s going to end up dead by doing this,” I threatened.
“I have to go. I’m sorry.”
Kian hung up, and I sucked in a deep breath, trying to think clearly. Jace stared at me before his gaze cut to Tripp.
“You’re coming with us,” Jace said, reaching behind his back and pulling a gun out of his waistband, then aiming it at Tripp. “You don’t take a phone call or text without one of us watching.”
Tripp argued, but Jace grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the room. I followed behind, knowing I needed to call Ellie. She wasn’t going to let this stand, but for now, I didn’t know how much she could do. With Rynn in Pacific Point and us not knowing where she was, we couldn’t just go in with guns blazing. Especially with the peace that Grimrose and the Disciples had now. That was their city, and it was locked down. They could kill Rynn before we even got close.
Ellie would have to spill that Rynn was with the Underground if we had any chance of getting her out safely. I wasn’t even sure that would be enough now. Hayes and Chris were so focused on Little Haven, and they saw her as a pawn. They’d use it.
Maybe I could find a different way to get to her. A quieter way. And Jace would help me. By threat or because he cared about Rynn. Either way, I was getting into Pacific Point.
I eyed the chain again,my rage building with each passing second. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been here, but it had to have been hours already. The second the car was parked, Hayes had gotten out and taken Kian with him, leaving me alone with Nick and four men who came to the car. They’d escorted me upstairs to a tiny room with an even smaller bathroom while ignoring my demands to see Hayes. Two men held me down while Nick snapped a cuff around my ankle before leaving me alone.
And I hadn’t seen anyone since.
The chain was connected to an eyebolt in the wall, and it was long enough for me to reach the bathroom and the twin bed that took up most of the room. But it stopped two feet short of the door, making it impossible for me to get the jump on anyone who walked in.
“You can’t keep me in here,” I shouted, glaring at the closed door. “I want to talk to Hayes.”
If I’d known he was going to lock me in a room for hours, I would have threatened him in the car. I’d expected at least a conversation. One telling me why the hell my brother was so important. It was half the reason I’d allowed them to take me from campus. Shawn had secrets, and I needed to find out what they were. Hayes made it clear that he was aware of them, and I knew I could get myself out of this situation when I needed to. But being chained to a damn wall was something I hadn’t factored in.
I fell onto the bed, my fingers digging into the gray comforter as my anger festered. Hayes had no idea what the hell he was doing keeping me here. Gage would figure it out and tell Ellie, and the peace in Little Haven would shatter. I thought I’d already be long gone and back on campus by now.
Footsteps echoed down the hall outside the door, and I jumped back to my feet right when the lock clicked. Hayes strode in first, followed by Nick. The back of my neck prickled, my loathing for him rising inside me when he shot me a smirk as he leaned against the wall next to the doorway.
Shifting my glare to Hayes, I shook my foot, making the chain rattle. “Unlock this. Now.”
“I’m sorry for that,” Hayes said, sounding anything but. “You’re a hard girl to talk to, and I wanted to make sure you stayed put until we had a conversation.”
I clenched my jaw, detesting how he spoke like I was nothing but a little girl. Before I could respond, another body filled the doorway, and I couldn’t deny the small stab of relief when I saw Kian. He kept his eyes on the floor, not looking at me at all. From what had gone down outside of campus, I believed he had no idea what Hayes had planned. Though I wasn’t sure it was enough for him to help get me out of here. Not that I needed him. I could talk my way out of here, even if it meant I wouldn’t be returning to Little Haven.
“Were you close to your brother?”
Hayes’s question had my eyes snapping back to him as rage engulfed me. He had no fucking right to talk about my brother. I could feel Nick’s stare on me, but I didn’t look away from Hayes.
“Did you know he was with Grimrose?” Hayes questioned quietly as he took a step closer toward me.
“What does it matter?” I spat out, holding on to my anger like a shield. It was a lot better than the pain threatening to take hold. “He’s dead.”
Hayes studied me for a few seconds before pulling something out of his pocket. It looked like a folded-up paper, and I didn’t move a muscle when he held it out to me.