Page 129 of Ruthless Knight
“Yes, you are.” Grandfather emphasizes his words.
I hate to side with him, but I can’t disagree. Jericho might be as callous as me, and some people call him a wolf, but he's seen as a playboy. That’s exactly why the press ran with their story.
“You have three months to think about it. The investors, the board of directors, and worse, your father believes you make this company look bad. But I believe we can turn this around with this resolution.”
Jericho shakes his head and raises balled fists. “There must be some other way.”
“My decision is final, son. That's what I want. If you don’t want to do things my way, the position goes to Bastian. It is as simple as that.”
“This is bullshit. Absolute fucking bullshit.” Jericho gets up and storms out so fast I’m surprised he doesn’t leave a cloud of smoke in his wake.
“I'll go talk to him,” I say to Grandfather. “But I don’t agree with this. It’s not right.”
“It is what it is,” he simply replies and glances toward the door.
Realizing there is no fight here, I go after Jericho.
He's already way ahead of me, but I catch up to him and call him. He doesn't stop. He keeps walking ahead.
“Jericho, just fucking wait.” I grab his arm, yanking him to a stop. “We need to talk about this. This is important.”
He faces me and pulls his arm away. “Knight, if you tell me not to be mad about this fucked-up request, I'll literally knock your teeth down your throat. And since I know you’d fight back, let’s just agree to fight.”
“We’re not going to fight.”
“Okay, so what are you going to say?” He searches my eyes in an exaggerated manner. “You know he’s wrong, right? Can you at least jump out of his ass for two minutes to acknowledge Grandfather is wrong?”
“I’m not in hisass.” I grit my teeth. I hate when people assume I live up my grandfather’s ass when I fucking don’t. I just know how to choose my battles. “I just think we need to figure things out.”
“How the fuck are we going to do that? You can’t even figure out your own life.”
The accusation throws me out of sync. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Okay, let's do this. You're in love with your wife, Knight,” he announces as if the notion is as clear daylight.
It feels like he’s been talking to Bastian, but I know that would never happen.
“Don't.” His nostrils flare, his eyes blaze, and he stares at me with a face ready to fight. “Don't do that to me. Lie to everyone else, but don’t do it to me, Knight. Don't tell me you’re not in love with her, and don’t tell me it's going to be easy for you to hurt her when you sell Sunset Cove. You and I both know the minute Vladimir gets his hands on Sunset Cove, you lose Aurora. Don't fucking tell me that’s going to beeasyfor you.”
He looks me up and down, and when I don’t answer, he whirls around and keeps walking.
I let him go because I don’t have anything else to say.
Everything he mentioned is shit I’ve already been thinking about.
That’s why everything is so damn hard.
Sell Sunset Cove. Lose Aurora.
Tell her the truth. Lose Aurora.
Keep lying. Lose Aurora.
There is no scenario where I win and keep her.
But I want her.