Page 132 of Ruthless Knight
“Tell me what happened. I was so excited to hear he took you to Saint-Tropez. And you sounded happy. What’s changed?"
“Everything, and I suppose nothing.”
“Tell me everything and we’ll figure it out.”
We sit together on the sofas near my desk, and I give her the full rundown of my stay in Saint-Tropez with Knight and his family and the beautiful time we had.
"That sounds amazing, Aurora.”
"I know, but I think things have gone back to how they were before."
"How can they be? Maybe he really is just busy.” She nods as if she’s certain that’s the answer.
"Or maybe things have just run its course.”
"I don't believe that for a second."
"He's Knight Grayson. He can do anything." If he chooses to, he can decide to drop you in a heartbeat before you take your next breath.
"You're his wife. And, Aurora, don’t you see this newly found closeness could be the opening to get him to come around to using your mother’s designs?”
I’ve already thought of that. There were moments when we were in Saint-Tropez when I wanted to bring it up, but I didn’t want to spoil what we had going on. Now that I’m back in the sphere of uncertainty, I’m not sure how I would approach him. Everything just feels so stagnant to me.
“I’m going to ask. I just don’t know when. Things are always so unpredictable when it comes to Knight.”
“Listen to me. Your time in Saint-Tropez sounds too precious for him to forget what happened. It sounds like you guys really bonded."
“We did.” That wasn’t my imagination. Those parts were all real because it was just us on an island enjoying each other. "It was amazing, Madison.”
"Sounds amazing to me, too," a deep, cold voice says from the door.
I haven’t heard that voice—the voice of my almost-fiancé—in such a long time I almost believe I imagined it, but I get the confirmation when Madison and I look across the room and find Nathan standing by the door.
My stomach squeezes on seeing him. The last time we were together, he was being led away by the FBI with his father. I almost married this man.
The conversation I had with Dad weeks ago comes back to my mind. Dad said Nathan had left the country for a while to lay low after the scandal.
It seems he’s back. And here.For me?
I certainly hope not. Of course, I remember the other thing Dad told me about Nathan. That he still hoped to be with me.
He would know by now that I’m married. Is he here to start the clock?
Madison stiffens next to me, and disgust curls her lips. It’s strange that for all that Knight has done, she’s never hated him the way she does Nathan.
“Nathan.” Lord knows I tried to say that without the cringe in my voice.
“I’ll leave you two to talk.” Madison stands. I noticed how she didn’t even say hi to him. “I’ll grab some coffee and come back in a bit.”
“Sure,” I answer, trying to push aside the angst I feel for seeing him.
With her head held high, she struts past Nathan.
Her overt rudeness has never bothered him, and it doesn’t now.