Page 134 of Ruthless Knight
“What if it doesn’t work?” I’d hate it if Knight shunned me away or put me in my place by reminding me I’m just a business contract. It’s not like Nathan is completely wrong.
“It will work.” Madison gives me a reassuring nod.
“How are you so sure?”
A saucy smile spreads across her glossy lips. “The man is crazy about you, so Iknowit will work. He’ll want to see you. Doing it this way will also be on your terms. You don’t have to sit up at home waiting for him.” She tightens her grip on my shoulders. “And while you’re at it, it wouldn’t hurt if you kill two birds with the same stone and get him to see the light with your mother’s designs. Do those two things, and you’ll ease a chunk of your worries.”
I shove Nathan out of my mind and think about what I could do to see Knight. The more I think, the more attractive the idea sounds.
I already know where Knight is going to be later. He’ll be at that hockey game.
AndI just might have the perfect idea.
Or in the worst-case scenario, it’ll be a perfect disaster.
Either way, I need to do something. I don’t think I could go back to how we were before, where I didn’t see him at all for weeks on end.
God … listen to me.
What has this ruthless devil done to me?
Everything I never wanted but never knew I needed.
Jericho and I are sitting side by side in the premium rink-side seats at Madison Square Garden for tonight's ice hockey game.
Tonight is a battle for the final cup in the championships that will end the season. It's against the Hawks and the Berserkers.
Luc plays defense for the Hawks and is a force to be reckoned with. I imagine he and his team will win the cup.
We're here to support him, along with our other friends from high school. They're pumped, but Jericho and I are like two storm clouds floating together in the sky.
Understandably, Jericho is still riled up about Grandfather's request.
And I'm still stuck in my feelings about Aurora and the sale of Sunset Cove.
I should be at home, but I’m here out of duty to Luc, as this is the biggest game of his career.
Our trio has always been inseparable. No matter what we're doing or wherever we are in the world, we always try to be there for each other for these sorts of important events.
Luc flew across the country for my wedding just to watch me say ‘I do’. He left straight after the ceremony to get back in time for a game he was playing that night, so I most definitely owed him my presence on what could be the most important night of his life.
I suppose I’m also here because I’m a little concerned about Jericho. At the moment, I have no idea what he’s going to do, but I know he wants his share of the empire. Which means finding a wife.
Although he hasn’t said anything to me, I think the idea might be harder to wrap around his mind because of whatever dark secrets lie in his past.
Dark secrets he won’t tell me.
The closest thing he’s had to a serious relationship was with a girl back in high school he wasn’t supposed to be seeing. He never spoke about her, not even to tell me her name. I only knew she existed because that’s all he told me. I suspected she might have been linked to his dark secrets because he went through a spell of depression. Every time I’ve tried to ask him about it, he shoots me down.
I just know whatever happened was of the fucked up variety. At the time I was going through my own shit with Giselle. I’d just found out how sick she was, so I might not have been there for Jericho as much as he needed me.
The whistle blows cutting into my unhinged thoughts and the game starts. The crowd goes wild, and the players start the battle for the cup. That’s when my mind checks out and drifts right back to Aurora.
When it comes to her, I'm stuck between the decisions of what I need to do and what Ishoulddo.