Page 147 of Ruthless Knight
Life has also progressed in all the right ways outside of us.
People Magazineoffered me an interview three days after receiving my application. I’ll be seeing them a month from now. It’s also been amazing watching Mom’s designs come to life at Sunset Cove.
Both are astounding achievements, but the greatest feeling comes from being with Knight and the moments when I realize I love him.
I’ve fallen head over heels in love with my Hades. I can’t even pinpoint the exact time it happened, like that special aha-moment you see in movies or read in books.
Love just became a part of me as if it was always there, then it grew and grew until it was flowing through my body like the blood in my veins.
I’ve been so, so happy.
Still, there are moments when I step outside that ball of bliss because I know something's not right with Knight.
During those moments, I witness a dark discomfort creep into his eyes. I’m always prompted to ask him about it, but I feel I can’t.
I get the same feeling when I want to ask him about Giselle.
Enough time has passed for me to broach the subject, but every time the thought enters my mind, I push it away hoping Knight will tell me on his own.
Since he hasn’t, I can only assume he might not.
When he heads to his workshop, I know he's trying to work on the sculpture. That last one of her.
My envy metastasizes into something as huge as the universe when his mother visits and I hear Knight calling the sculptures The Giselle Collection.
He’s in his workshop again now.
His mother left earlier, and he went straight inside the moment she was gone.
As it’s nearly midnight, I decide to go out and see him. Just to check if he’s okay. I find him sketching away at his desk with the dogs sitting by his feet. They perk up when they notice me. Knight looks at me too.
This is the first time I’ve actually seen him working on a sculpture, but I thought there would be more of it. All I can see is a stump of stone with nothing really done to it.
“Hi.” I smile at Knight and give him a quick kiss when I reach him. “I thought I'd come by and check on you. Hope I didn't disturb you.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “You didn't disturb me at all.”
“How's it going?” I look over the work in progress again.
"It's not going anywhere." His shoulders drop, and he raises a weary arm to rest on top of his head. “I don't think I'm going to be able to finish it.”
“Maybe you just need some rest.”
He shakes his head and drops his hands to his side. “No, it’s not that. I’ve been resting for the last five years on this one. I think it might be time to call it.”
He looks so tired and drained, but not the kind of tiredness or drained you'd feel from exhaustion. It's more from the tiredness of grief. I know what that feels like.
“I don't think I could finish it on time even if I tried.” He sighs. “The show is in a few months, and I’m just not feeling the inspiration to create this last piece. I hate leaving anything undone, but I think I’ve lost the vision for it. Or maybe I’m not supposed to finish it.”
I stare back at him, thinking of what to say. This is the most we’ve spoken about his sculptures, and given that we’re loosely talking about Giselle, it would be weird not to mention her in some way or another. This also feels like another opening I should take to talk to him about her, so I decide to take it.
“Maybe this last piece is difficult because it’s Giselle’s way of telling you what you’ve done is enough,” I offer with care and compassion. When Knight looks at me as if he appreciates my words, I feel like I’ve helped in some way.
“Maybe.” His gaze rivets to mine with a hint of sadness. “I’m sorry I haven’t spoken to you about her yet. I know my mother told you she died. It’s a difficult subject for me.”
“I figured it was.” I give him a smile of sympathy and understanding.
“You probably think all of this is odd too.” He motions at the collection in the other section.