Page 150 of Ruthless Knight
"That's enough!" Knight's voice cuts through the air with the sharpness of a blade.
Chelle and I turn to find him walking in, his eyes blazing, looking like he would incinerate her where she stands for what she said.
“Hi, Knight.” She tries to compose herself but fails when she takes note of the rage oozing from him. "I was just—"
"Stop.” The last time he looked this angry was the night of the hockey match, but I have to say right now is worse. “I can see andhearquite clearly what you’re doing here."
“I was only telling her the truth.” Chelle squares her shoulders while she stares back at Knight as if she had every right to say what she did to me. “You can’t fault me for that.”
"I don't think I'm in need of your services any longer,” Knight declares, sounding like he’s her judge, jury, and executioner.
My mouth hits the floor at the same time Chelle gasps, then she glares back at him as if he’s just pulled the earth from beneath her feet and shoved her onto her ass.
"What? What the hell do you mean, you're no longer in need of my services?"
"It means you're fired. I warned you that your job was on the line, but you wouldn’t listen. You have no respect for my wife, and you definitely have none for me. This is the end. Now leave."
I've never seen Chelle look so defeated. A deadly shade of white has stolen the color from her skin, and although her mouth works as if she’s going to try and argue, she doesn’t.
She must know she won’t win against a man like Knight.
She’s worked with him long enough to know that would be like signing her own death certificate.
“Okay.” The simple word leaves her lips in a hushed whisper, and she walks toward him, handing over the files.
She glances back at me, giving me an icy stare. Then she walks out.
Knight comes closer, touches my cheek, and shakes his head. “I'm sorry for what she said to you.”
"It's okay.”
“No, it’s not. Everything she said was completely unacceptable.”
“I know, but are you sure you should fire her?"
"Yes." There’s a newfound determination I haven’t heard before in his voice.
“She’s been your assistant for years.” I don’t know why I’m bothering to say anything of the sort. I actually hate Chelle. I just feel bad she got fired because of me.
"Her years of service were the only reason I’ve given her chance after chance. Obviously, if she can talk to you like that, and with that attitude, she was never going to change.” He makes a really good point. I just can’t believe those words are coming from him.
“She’s been nothing but horrible to me, but I feel bad it came to this.”
“Don’t. Firing her was a long time coming, so please don't worry about her. I’m sure she will be fine. Okay?” He holds my gaze.
“How about we go out for a late breakfast? You look like you could use a change of scenery."
He glances back at the sculpture of Giselle, and I’m not sure if he suspects the reason I came in here. Chances are he might. The Knight I know would have asked me why I was in here in the first place. And if what Chelle said wasn’t true, he might reassure me that it’s not.
“I’d like that,” I answer despite the doubt in my tone.
“Let’s go.”
We leave, but Chelle’s cruel words stay with me.
She might be horrible in many ways and the queen of bitches, but she wasn’t wrong. I did find the truth.