Page 153 of Ruthless Knight
It’s the ones you know who surprise you the most and hurt you the deepest. In any crime of passion, the law always looks to the people who are close to the victim.
The people they thought they knew and could trust.
“You fucking bitch.” Nathan wedges his knee between my thighs and rips at my skirt and my panties. His roughness and unwanted touch make tears pour out of my eyes like a broken tap that can’t be fixed. “You act so fucking perfect, but I know all your dirty secrets. I know how you fucked your college professor and wrecked his home.”
My God.He knew? How did he know about that?
How the hell did he find out? I know for a fact Madison would never have told him.
So, how?
But maybe … it wasn’t that hard to find out if you were looking for something or keeping tabs on me.
“Seriously, Aurora. What a whore you are.” His harsh voice grates over my skin, along with the strong scent of rum on his breath. “You didn’t think to check up on a man like that? If you had, you would have known about his wife and kids long before his wife threatened to destroy you. You spread your legs for him. Now it’s my turn, you whore, whore, whore you–”
Suddenly, Nathan is yanked off me and is flying back into the wall.
Like an angry god, Knight flashes before me in the sliver of my tears, and then he’s on Nathan, punching the life out of him.
“Motherfucker!” Knight shouts into the flow of punches he delivers to Nathan’s face. “How dare you hurt her. I’ll kill you. I’ll fucking kill you.”
Terror has me crippled, but I manage to push through it just enough to sit up and see that Knight is battering Nathan.
Those words he said months ago come rushing back to my mind—I’ll kill for you.
He meant it. In all the time I’ve known him, he’s never said anything he didn’t mean.
Those words are the only thing that snap me into focus because I can’t allow him to do that. Even if Nathan deserves it.
“Knight, no, stop.” I rush toward him and wrap my arms around his back in an attempt to stop him.
It works, but Nathan looks like he’s been beaten to a bloody pulp.
He’s barely moving his head from side to side and groaning with pain, but at least he’s moving.
“Knight, please,” I stutter through my tears. “I need you.”
Those words loosen the tension in his shoulders like a magic spell. Knight moves away from Nathan and shuffles to face me, pulling me into the safety of his arms.
“Are you okay?” he mutters, cupping my face to inspect it for damage. “He hurt you.”
I taste blood on my lips, and my face is so swollen from where Nathan hit me, I can’t even lie. I’m hurt and in pain.
My lips part to answer, but all I can do is cry.
* * *
Knight insists on taking me to the hospital after the police arrive to take Nathan away.
Apart from the massive shiner over my eye and the black and blue bruises on my cheek, I’m okay physically. Emotionally and mentally, no.
The last time I had such a horrible experience was the night so long ago when I nearly died, and Dad saved Mom and me. It’s the kind of thing you try to forget, but from time to time, the memory resurfaces.
Tonight stirred the dark remnants of that experience in my soul and created its own wretchedness.
Knight happened to get to Sunset Cove early because he had a cancellation. Such a thing rarely happens in his schedule. Maybe Mom was looking out for me again.
If Knight had been a minute later … well, Nathan would have raped me, then I don’t know what I would have done.