Page 169 of Ruthless Knight
Her engagement party is in two weeks. I hope by then I can summon the
strength to shake this dismal mood from my system.
“Did anything happen today?” She brushes my shoulder with hers.
“Your dad said you haven’t left the house since the other day, and you’ve barely eaten.”
“I can’t help it.” My barely there words come out on the edge of a sigh.
“Don’t you think that you should probably go to Sunset Cove?” A little smile dances across her lips. “I’ll stay with you all day tomorrow.”
“No,” I rasp, shaking my head. “It’s best I don’t go anywhere near that place ever again.”
“Aurora.” She frowns and swallows hard. “Regardless of what’s happening to it, I don’t think you should do that.”
“I can’t be there knowing it’s going to be sold. Who knows, my office may already be cleaned out and everything thrown away.”
“I don’t think Knight would do that to you.”
I give her a deadpan stare. “You were there that morning when he came with his team of contractors to work on the place. He didn’t tell me about that, and he didn’t tell me he was selling the place. So, why wouldn’t he clean out my office and throw my things away?”
“I just don’t think he would do that to you, given what’s happened.”
“Well, I do. I won’t give Knight Grayson the benefit of any doubt and end up looking like a bigger fool. My heart can’t take any more.”
She pulls in a deep breath and rests her hand on top of mine. “I think you should talk to him. I really do.”
I shake my head. “We have nothing to say to each other, and he’s stopped calling. So … it’s over.” Hearing those words outside my head hurts my heart the same as if I’d ripped it from my chest. “The next time I hear from him, it will be with divorce papers. Or he might get his lawyers or someone to serve them to me.”
That shouldn’t be too far away now. We’re heading into our fourth month of marriage. In another few weeks, the six months will be up, and he can complete the sale of Sunset Cove.
Madison stares at me long and hard, the way you would when you’re waiting for some sort of reaction from someone.
“What?” I mutter after the silence becomes tense.
“Do you want a divorce, Aurora? Is that what you really want?”
“What kind of question is that?” I know why she’s asking, but I feel like I’m trying to convince myself of what I’m supposed to want. “Of course, I should want a divorce. Look at everything he did.”
“You saidshould.” Her tone is reflective and fervent, a soft hush that speaks to my heart.
I stare back at her and take a breath to clear my head. It doesn’t work.
“This is so hard and painful.” I press my hands into the floor as if it can absorb all my rage and pain.
“Because it’s real. That’s how you know it’s real.” She taps my hand and leans in closer. “I will never condone what Knight has done. I mostly want to skin him alive, but I watched you change and fall in love with him. I watched him love you back.”
“Maybe you just saw what you wanted to see.”
“No. I saw what was happening right in front of me, and you know I’m right because you felt it too. I watched the two of you on your wedding day. There was nothing fake about you. Not a damn thing. It was always real, Aurora.” She nods again. “That’s why you love him.”
I open my mouth to protest, but I can’t.
“If you can’t unlove him, the way to fix this is to either forgive him or forget about him.” She holds my gaze as if she’s cradling my pain. “The choice is yours, Aurora.”
I think about those fate-driven choices.