Page 42 of Ruthless Knight
He steps into the moonlight too, looking like an angry god.
The dogs bark at me, and the sound snaps Knight’s cold, hard stare.
He switches his gaze from me to them and proceeds to give a command in French that has them backing down and retracting their fangs.
When he advances closer, they look at him, giving their undivided attention to their master, but he’s focusing on me again, those eyes of his burning holes into mine.
Dressed in black slacks and a long-sleeved T-shirt the same color, he blends in with the night, looking like he’s part of the shadows. His beard is fuller than the other day, drawing attention to his sharp jawline, and the cold breeze rippling against his shirt makes him appear bigger.
“A bit late for a walk, don’t you think?” Knight looks me up and down, then glances at the door behind me. The one I clearly just came out of.
He knows. Knows where I just came from. Knows I was snooping.
“I was having trouble sleeping.” I try to sound like I’m not shaken to my core by his foreboding presence, but the bottom of my belly is contracting like a fist is clamped around it. “What about you? Is this the time you walk your dogs?”
“They prefer this time of day, or rather morning.” His gaze drifts back to the door. When he looks at me again, he hits me with an I-know-you-were-looking-at-my-stuff stare. “Find anything that interested you?”
As there’s little point denying my guilt, I decide to play it safe.
“Maybe.” The word feels like an understatement for the masterpieces I just witnessed, but there’s no way I’m adding to his egomaniac personality. I wouldn’t want it to metastasize into something neither of us can control.
“Maybe?” His tone is lighter.
“Yes.” I give him a little shrug to compliment my indifference.
For an instant, something that looks like amusement flickers in his eyes, but it’s gone just as quickly.
The biggest dog approaches me and uses its snout to stroke my leg.
“Are you afraid of dogs?”
“Only if they look like they’re going to kill me.” I keep my eyes on the dog. It seems more puppy-like now, but as it seemed hell bent on ripping me apart mere moments ago, I’m still wary.
“You’re no good to me dead.” Knight’s cool, detached tone has me snapping my gaze back to him, and I level him a poison-tipped glare.
“Well, that’s comforting.”What an absolute asshole.
With a sexy half-smile, he says something in French to the dogs, but he’s still looking at me. It makes me wonder if he’s talking about me. God knows what he could be saying.
When he’s finished talking, the other two dogs bounce over to me. One sits back and holds its paw out as if to shake my hand. The other runs around my legs in circles, wagging its fluffy tail.
Wow, this tamed version of them is actually cute.
“You can pet them if you want to,” Knight says. “They won’t bite. Orkillyou.”
I only trust his words because, like he said, I’m no good to him dead.
I lower my hand to the dog with its paw out. When I tap it, it bends its head for me to stroke. I do, and the other two join in, so I can touch them.
Their fur is so soft, that I keep going, running my fingers through the silky fibers, enjoying the interaction.
“What are their names?” I glance back at Knight, who is watching me keenly with a tickle of fascination on his face.
“Poseidon, Aries, and Artemis.”