Page 62 of Ruthless Knight
I understand what he’s saying, but I can’t accept it. “It’s all I own from her. She loved that place so much.”
“I know, but you are a writer. You were born to write. That is your path. In the grand scheme of things, you might not even know Knight Grayson in seven months’ time, but writing is who you are and who you will be forever. That is what you should be focusing on.”
How do I explain that it’s not as easy as he thinks with that evil bitch, Rachel, trying to ruin me? How do I tell him that being Cordelia Harris, and writing about forbidden men and fantasies is probably the closest I’ll get to fulfilling my writing dreams?
I’m older now, and things have changed, so he might not be so prudish. He would most likely want me to live some element of my dream, but it’s not where my heart lies. I know other romance authors who make millions writing novels. If I tried hard enough, I might be able to do that, too. But my heart is still set on working for a lifestyle magazine. I would never drop writing novels, but I wouldn’t feel complete if this were it.
The truth is, I don’t know what’s going to happen to me. Time is passing with every year and my chances are fading.
Dad takes my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. “Promise me you will, sweet girl. Promise me.”
“I promise I will.”
“Good. That means a lot to me.” He places my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles. “Your promise gives me hope that you will have the life you’ve always wanted.”
My promise isn’t empty, even though my chances are slim. I will never stop trying to get to where I want to go in the writing world.
But… I also feel the same way about Sunset Cove. It is the only other thing in this world that means anything to me.
Earlier, when Madison said the place was for me too, I felt that connection.
The same connection Mom must have felt the day she started working there.
The two of us came from nothing. I still remember those days when the future looked so uncertain, I couldn’t see one.
Dad gave us a good life, but Sunset Cove was something Mom achieved on her own. She always wanted to own a hotel. She was so happy when she got the job there, her goal was to save and buy something just like it. But she loved the place so much, I don’t think she would ever have parted with it. Dad offered to get her something many times, but her heart was always with Sunset Cove.
When the owner saw how much Mom loved it, she gave it to her.
Mom gave it to me because she knew I would cherish it the same way she did.
That’s why I can’t let it go.
I can’t allow Knight Grayson to overrule me because he’s an asshole who thinks he owns the world and people inside it.
He might own ninety percent of Sunset Cove, but I still own ten. It means I still have a chance, and I have to fight for this one thing.
But with men like him, you can’t fight with your fists or with your words.
You have to beat them at their own game by playing thegame.
When I was in Knight’s office, I saw a copy of Sun Tzu’sThe Art of War.
I’ve read that book too, Knight.
It has many phenomenal quotes, but my favorite is this:
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”
I just have to look for an opening and take it.
Beauty tamed the Beast, and Persephone, Hades.
So, I can do this.