Page 78 of Ruthless Knight
I’m about to bolt through the door when he grabs my arm and pulls me close to his chest.
The look in his eyes is hard and passionless with a lethal calmness that makes my skin crawl.
“Don’t play games with me ever again, Aurora. You won’t win, no matter what the game is. Do you understand me?”
Red-hot anger heats up my blood. He sounds like he’s talking to a child again, and as if everything we did moments ago never happened.
“Yes,Knight, I understand you perfectly.” I make a point of staring deeply into his eyes, so he knows I can see him for the asshole he is.
“Good, and we will not talk about Sunset Cove again. You can keep managing the place and doing what you were previously doing, but you stay out of my way when it comes to the renovations.”
I didn’t know my heart could sink any further, or break into any more pieces, but it practically falls out of my chest and smashes on the floor.
I’ve never met anyone who could stir such deep emotions in me, and such a wide, raw mixture. I’ve also never met anyone who could make me go from wanting them to hating them within the space of minutes.
Defeat pulls me further under as I realize with regret that I lost.
I’ve lost for good. I won’t get to fulfill my mother’s dreams for Sunset Cove. Because of him and his greed.
“I hate you.” I speak the words on my mind as a tear slides down my cheek.
Like the asshole he is, Knight simply nods and gives me a mocking smile. “Never stop, Mon Cherie. Never… stop.”
I yank my arm out of his grasp and continue my escape through the doors I shouldn’t have entered.
Everything was a mistake, and I was wrong.
Some monsters can’t be tamed, and I need to get my head out of the clouds. Knight isn’t Hades. Even he had a heart.
Knight is something else entirely.
He’s my destroyer.
Ilean over the table in my workshop, picking up where I left off on my last sketch. I’m using a different pad from the one Aurora would have seen when she was in here.
I keep erasing what I’ve done and starting over because all I can see on the cream-colored cartridge paper laid out before me is Aurora’s face.
Her beautiful, disappointed, anguished face with a teardrop streaming down the smooth skin of her cheek.
Aurora Wright was pure, raw sin, and I’ll never get the image of her perfect naked body out of my head with those full breasts and sexy curves.
But nothing cut me deeper than watching her cry.
If you play with fire, you will get burned.
Everyone knows that. Even the moth who was drawn to the open flame.
So, why do we play with fire, knowing it could potentially destroy us?
I think it’s the call of adventure, and the thirst to taste the thing you should resist. You crave it even when you know good and well you’ll never be the same again once you touch it.
That’s what happened to me last night when the goddess told me she’d doanything.
Poor lamb. Poor, poor, innocent lamb. She didn’t know better. I take it nobody ever told her she should never offer such things to men like me.