Page 82 of Ruthless Knight
standing behind me, reading it over my shoulder too. I needed a second pair of eyes to ensure I wasn’t seeing things. Although this same message would have gone out to thousands of people who signed up for the notification alerts, it’s something to give me hope in the dark hole I’ve been living in for the last month.
“Holy shit, I’m so happy for you.” Madison claps, bouncing up and down with a shriek. The frosted windows of the sunroom catch her reflection and split her in two as she moves. “This is just the thing you need right now.”
“My God, is it ever.” I beam back at her, my shoulders relaxing as the weight of worry decreases. I know this is minor in the grand scheme of things, but as I signed up for this notification so long ago—as inyears—I felt Rachel might have sabotaged me again. Clearly, she hasn’t. At least not yet.
No, Aurora, don’t think like that.
Just don’t.
This is something good. It shows that good things, no matter how small, can still happen to me.
“I told you to hang in there.”
“You did.” Lord knows how badly I need something like this in my life now.
I don’t know how I managed to live through the last three and a half weeks.
That’s how long it’s been since I last saw Knight.
I was told he was on a business trip for two weeks, but there was all the time before and after that I realized he was outrightly avoiding any contact with me, and relaying messages through his staff. Staff like Chelle, who I loathe more than ever.
Apart from feeling like I failed my mother in regard to Sunset Cove, my life has felt like it belonged to someone else. Like I’ve been playing one of the characters in my books.
The press have also been all over me. Some wanting to cover my journey to the day of the wedding. Others wanted interviews—which, of course, I didn’t give.
According to my contract, I’m not supposed to, but I hate anything like that anyway.
Knight has turned my world every which way in the short space of time I’ve known him, and now it’s two weeks until our wedding.
Onlytwo mere weeks.
“You have to apply now.” Madison rests her hands on the back of my chair. “Be the first one in. Maybe you’ll hear back from them sooner.”
I shake my head, although my hands are itching to apply. “No, I won’t hear from them until at least a month after the deadline. They’ll start looking at all the applications after the deadline has passed, so I’m going to give myself a few weeks to look over my resume and maybe give it a makeover.”
I had a contact in a recruitment agency who gave me some useful tips for dealing with high-end elite magazines likePeople. She said to use the time they’ve given to write a resume that will blow them away. Once that’s done, go over it with the eyes of a hawk, then send the application a week to a few days before the deadline. That’s what I’m going to do and hope all the stars will align to give me that success I’ve craved for so long.
“You will apply, though, right?” Madison sits back on her chair opposite me, worry furrowing her arched brows. “I hope you do.”
“Of course.” I give her a reassuring smile, understanding why she thinks I might shove this under the rug. Maybe if it were another company I felt Rachel might be able to control, I would. But here’s hoping that’s not the case forPeople. “No matter what’s happening, and all things Rachel aside, I would never forgive myself if I didn’t try.”
“Yayyy.” She sighs and gives her shoulders a cheerleader-shimmy, making me laugh. “That’s the spirit. This will put you back on track to where you should be.” Her voice is filled with the kind of aspiration you expect from a friend who wants the best in the world for you.
Madison is that kind of friend, and nobody but her knows how hard I’ve worked. Back in college, she saw firsthand the extent of my hard work. I also feel that sometimes, she might feel bad because she has her own company, but I’m still stuck in the in-between.
“It would be my dream to get this job.”
“And I’m sure it would make up for the shit over the last few years.”
“It would, but don’t jinx it by talking like I already have the job.” I give her a lighthearted chuckle. “I haven’t even applied yet.”
“I have faith in you. Honey, you have one hell of a resume. Your first internship was withTime, and you’ve had several notable placements and jobs. Not a lot of people can say that.”
She’s right, but the craziness with Rachel has made me doubt myself. I guess to move forward, I’ll have to try and remember who I am. And who I still can be.
“Thanks for the pep talk. I needed it.”
“You did. Girl, what on earth would you do without me?”