Page 9 of Ruthless Knight
“Sure.” The waiter gives him a curt nod and leaves us.
Relaxing my shoulders, I stare back at Knight when he looks at me. The light of interest in his eyes reignites that heat I felt moments ago.
“I like it out here.” I nod, taking in the view.
“Thought you might.”
I smile at the thoughtfulness behind the comment but tamp down the bubble of excitement rising inside me.
I need to remember that this isjusta drink, not a date, and no matter how ridiculously gorgeous Knight Grayson is, I need to be sensible.
Even if it’s hard.
He places his elbow on the table, making things even harder when he leans in, and our knees touch. “So, what made your day so bad?”
Should I tell him?
I quickly mull over what I could say and decide that telling him the truth might be harmless. It’s not like I have to go intoallthe details.
I take a quick breath of the cool night air to steady my mind, then I think of the easiest way to begin. “There was a job I really wanted, but I didn’t get it.”
Sympathy softens his godly face, but the emotion looks as odd on him as an ill-fitted suit. As if sympathy is not an emotion he often expresses.
“Sorry to hear that. What kind of work do you do?”
Good question.Right now, I’m all over the place, from writing to managing Sunset Cove, another big change in my life. One thing, however, has been consistent—writing.
“I’m a writer. I want to write for a lifestyle magazine.”
That’s the ultimate dream, but currently, the only writing I’ve been doing is erotic romance novels and serials under the pen name Cordelia Harris. It’s my side hustle and a well-hidden secret I’ve kept for the last three years. Again, nobody knows about it except Madison. Mom knew, too, but due to the nature of what I write, we agreed to keep it from my father.
For as loving and nurturing as he is, Dad is strict and old school. He definitely wouldn’t be too happy if he ever found out what I do on the side.
“Sounds like a good career choice.” Knight dips his head.
“It will be.”If I ever make it.With the spell of bad luck I’ve been experiencing, that dream is getting further away from me. “What do you do?”
My question comes with the confirmation that I know nothing about this man who Elena deemed as one of the most sought-after in New York.
Pride spreads across his handsome face. “Property development. I’m a senior investment manager at Grayson Inc., my family’s business. Essentially, I look for acquisitions. Then I turn them into multimillion-dollar investments.” His tone gives off a mysterious vibe. Like there’s something hidden beneath the meaning of his words.
Maybe I’m being paranoid. God knows I’ve been the classic worrywart lately, so anything that doesn’t sound right to me will appear mysterious, but I brush the notion aside and school my mind.
“That sounds exciting but like a lot of work.”Andthere’s no way I would have known about his background. I can’t quite blame my recluse lifestyle on my lack of knowledge on who’s who and what’s up and happening in New York. I just didn’t grow up that way. Unlike most of these socialites and debutantes who float around ignorant of reality, I had a different life once.
“Like everything, it has its darker moments, but I do enjoy my work.” He sits back, and the moonlight catches his eyes, making them seem almost opaque.
“That’s always good.” I think of what else we can talk about to keep the conversation rolling. I’d hate for that awkward silence people fear to sneak up on us. His accent comes to my mind, so I choose that. “Do I sense a hint of an accent in your voice?”
“It’s French.” He confirms my previous assumption, giving me a wide grin that unleashes deep dimples I’m tempted to swim in. “My mother is French. My brother and I were born here, but we lived in Marseille until I was fourteen.”
“Oh, wow. France sounds amazing. I hope to go there someday.”
“You should. It’s an amazing country.”
I love hearing about people who have lived in other countries and those who have traveled.
The crunch of footsteps on the gravel path draws our attention toward the sound. It’s the waiter coming back with the wine and two long-stemmed glasses.