Page 111 of Merciless Sinner
“What happened?” She mutters.
“My sister told me she was raped, so I killed the man who did it, but my father got a recording of me killing the guy. He threatened to expose me. I could have lived with that part, but that's not all he did. He also threatened to arrange for my sister to marry one of his associates. A man I knew would have been her destruction. My sister was already engaged to the man she loved. For my crime, I would have been killed. And I wouldn't have been able to stop my father from handing her over to a man who would have probably sold her or eventually ended up killing her.
Olivia gasps. “Oh my god, Virgo.”
“The ultimatum was to break up with you. If I did that, he'd destroy the evidence on me. That happened days before you were supposed to leave. Then you came to see me. I didn't know you were there, but what you saw was Amelia trying to seduce me.”
I always wondered how I was going to tell her that part as there are two competing stories here, Amelia's and mine.
Shock fuses with Olivia's face, melting into her beautiful features. First the blood drains from her cheeks, then it returns with a vengeance, and her entire face goes red.
“Amelia?” She shakes her head with disbelief. “Amelia was trying to seduce you? You mean Amelia, my best friend?”
“Yes,” I reply.
“Maybe she wasn't. Maybe you were mistaken. I can't imagine that—”
“She was naked.” I cut her off before she can say any more. “She was naked and she kissed me.”
A few seconds of silence pass by as if the fabric of reality is allowing itself to work that information into the threads of time and into her mind. A tremor ripples across her lips and travels down her body.
“I saw that happening,” she mumbles. “Between you and her?”
“Were you with her?” A tear runs down her cheek.
“ No, you didn't see me turn her down. I would never cheat on you, but the worst thing I did after was allow you to believe I did. Because of my father's ultimatum, I told you I did it. I said we'd grown apart, and that I was interested in Amelia. I broke up with you, and you were devastated. That was the day I lost my soul.” I pause for beat. “I assumed you were too distraught to leave for England because after the attack I found out that you rearranged your flight for the following week. I never got to tell you the truth, and I've been looking for you since.”
She bows her head and allows her tears to fall.
I let her cry for a few moments, then I sit beside her and rest my hand on her back.
“Please forgive me, Olivia. I'm so, so sorry.”
Slowly, she lifts her head and places her hand at her heart.
“I hate what you did. I hate that you could have hurt me like that. But I can't blame you. I can't. You were trying to protect your sister. I understand that. It hurts, but I understand.”
An ounce of redemption fills my soul. But it doesn't expel the guilt that's still there.
“If not for me, you wouldn't have been at home,” I point out.
She looks away, and stares ahead, to the window. “It's not something we can change. I was home, and I saw what happened, and I experienced. It too. The only thing I can take from this is that I was with my parents in their final moments. Maybe that's better than not knowing.” She looks back at me. “Amelia, on the other hand…” Her voice trails off.
“She wants forgiveness, Olivia.” I offer, although I know it's not for me to do so.
“You think I should forgive her for what she did?” Her face contorts with disgust.
“That’s something for you to decide now that you know the truth. She wanted to tell you what happened herself. I insisted that I would tell you when the time was right. Today was that time.” It's fair, that she know those parts.
She seems to consider my words then she bows our head again.
We say nothing more and allow the silence to take over.
The secrets are out now.
Everything is out in the open.