Page 6 of Merciless Sinner
It’s laughable. I’m thinking that as if my life’s not in danger now.
My debtors have already threatened to sell me or kill me if I don’t pay.
That’s why I’m here. About to go down another deep, dark rabbit hole.
I walk down the wide hallway and find Madame Noir’s office. She owns the club with her husband and is in charge of the girls.
As her door is open, I walk straight in and find her sitting at her desk.
Tonight, she’s wearing a bright pink wig and overdone makeup that makes her look like Effie Trinket from theHunger Games.
She looks up from her computer screen and gives me a wide toothy smile. The kind you expect to see on the Grim Reaper just before he collects your soul.
“Wonderful, you’re early. We like early here.” She taps her coffin-shaped nails on the glossy surface of her desk.
“I didn’t want to get caught in traffic.” I try to return her smile but can’t bring myself to do so.
“Good thinking.” She brings her hands together and sighs. “Anyway, I’m glad you’re here early. I have good news.”
Hope sparks my heart on hearing that. “Good news is always good.”
“Definitely. I have a client who wants to book you for the rest of the week. The pay is thirty thousand.”
My interest piques as if someone lit a fire underneath it. My God, thirty grand would seriously help me. I’ve only managed to pay back ten thousand dollars on my debt. Getting that kind of money would get me one step closer to my goal, and I wouldn’t have to work here for the two months I signed up for.
Madame Noir chuckles as she looks me over. “From the look on your face I don’t think I need to ask if you’re interested.”
“I’m interested.” I can’t get the words out quickly enough.
“Great, you start tonight. The client’s name is Petr Nasellev. He’s an investment banker who is very particular. The position will require you to be with him for the entire week while he’s on his yacht.”
Sounds like I’ll have to call in sick at the coffee shop. “I can do that.”
“Good. Well, get yourself glammed up. He’ll pick you up from the lounge. Your first order of business is to join him for a poker game. He likes having a beautiful woman on his arm while he’s playing. It provides a good distraction for his opponents, so make sure you pick something sexy and revealing from the dressing room.”
“Okay,” I answer, my voice filled with a confidence and assurance I don’t feel. “Thank you for this.”
She gives me a curt nod, and I leave with my heart as heavy as my steps. It’s great I was picked for this job, but I know I’ll have to work for that thirty grand doing only God knows what with Mr. Petr Nasellev.
And what will he be like?
* * *
A pig.
Petr Nasellev is an absolute pig.
Not only has he acted like one, but his unruly, curly hair, fat face, and body make him look like one, too.
From the moment I met him in the lounge, I knew exactly why he had to pay to attract a woman’s company. No one in their right mind would be with him in real life.
He says he’s in his early sixties, but I think he’s more like seventy.
My fake date of birth—estimated by the doctors who took care of me—makes me twenty-six years old, so it’s icky to be with a man old enough to be my father.
The first thing Petr did when we met was get a good hand full of my breasts. Then he took me to a private booth at the bar where his hands were either on my ass or creeping up my thigh. Both events were right out in the open for everyone to see, which shouldn’t have surprised me because that’s what people do here.