Page 32 of Devil Within
“I did. I took Molly out for dinner at this small Italian restaurant downtown,” he tells me.
Molly is his wife who has stage 2 breast cancer and the worry on George’s face grows each time I see him. He’s always friendly, but his smile doesn’t touch his eyes anymore ever since they found out about her condition.
“That’s great.” I pat him on the arm. “Molly is lucky to have you. How is she?”
“She’s good. Thanks for asking, Parker.”
“Tell her I said hi,” I say before I go inside the building.
As I get into the rickety elevator—not at all like Hudson’s one at the Saylor Towers—I check my watch again.
It’s 7:36 a.m. already.
I take in a deep breath and exhale when I reach our floor and the elevator doors open.
Slipping my hand into my back pocket, I search for my set of keys to the apartment, but it’s not there.
What the hell? Lex isn’t going to like this. I could have sworn that I put it in my back pocket.
Oh crap!I take in a deep breath and try to calm myself down.It’s going to be a good day, I tell myself mentally.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that I was stuck in some sadistic bitch author’s mind as she thought of ways to further torture me.
I knock on our apartment door three times before the door is finally unlocked and opened.
Lex stands there with her purple hair dishevelled and her blue eyes wide and weepy. Lex is usually a mess between the two of us, but this time, I know it’s because of me and I can’t help but feel the guilt spread through me.
“Parker?! Where the hell have you been?” she shrieks.
“I know, I know, I know,” I say, stepping into the apartment and closing the door shut behind me. “I’m sorry. I was with Hudson.”
She plops down on the couch, running her hands through her hair. “Hudson? Why didn’t you call me? I thought you were kidnapped. I wanted to call the police! I didn’t sleep all night!”
I put out my bottom lip and hope to make the most pathetic face ever as I hold up the pizza box. “I’m sorry. I bought pizza for you though.”
Lex glares at me and grabs a pillow before hurling it in my direction. I don’t even have to dive from the attempt, because she completely misses.
“Do you think pizza is going to make up for what you put me through?”
“Lex, my phone died and I-I’m sorry, okay?” I place the box down in front of her and gently rub her back to console her. “Look, the pizza has extra pepperoni and jalapeno sauce.”
“If something happened to you…” she trails off as the tears start flowing again.
I sigh and put on my invisible armour because this is Lex Carmichael that we’re talking about and she’s highly emotional about everything. She lives and breathes Lifetime movies and that’s enough to get her crying for days.
“I was with Hudson at a hotel,” I tell her knowing that she’ll stop moping and start biting the hook like a voracious piranha for details.
Lex’s head snaps up on cue and the tears are suddenly gone, replaced by her narrowed eyes. “A hotel? You harlot. Tell me, was it a five-star hotel? How big was his dick and did you lose your virginity?”
I would have been horrified if I’d just met this girl, but I flip open the box of pizza and get a nice slice of pepperoni before relaxing against a cushion.
“Tell me!” Lex begs.
“Am I forgiven?” I ask, taking a decent bite from my slice.
My mouth is flooded with cheese, sauce and crust and my eyes roll heavenward.It’s so good.
“Yes, now spill the details, Kelleher!” she squeals.