Page 39 of Devil Within
Knowing Lex, she’d do everything in her power to get me wasted as fuck. I can’t afford to get drunk tonight, because it’s still Monday.
But she actually got me a pretty good drink. The vodka and cranberry mix is deliciously cold and sweet as I take another long sip. It tastes like a tropical drink.
“I saw a guy by the bar,” Lex leans against me as we stand near a strip pole. “He’s like sex on legs.”
“What happened to Kyle?” I ask.
It’s no surprise that Lex has moved on already, but I thought that she had finally found someone. Then again nothing is ever permanent with her.
She rolls her eyes. “He wanted to date.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“I told him no dating before we began sleeping with each other,” she says. “I hate when they get so clingy.”
“You should try dating some time,” I tell Lex. “It’s not as bad as you think.”
“And end up like you and boyfriend of the year?” her tone comes off as pissy and I know that she’s probably already drunk, but I can’t stop my irritation from flaring.
“That’s a really shitty thing to say, Lex.”
I leave her standing there alone as I stalk off in the opposite direction. Lex and I hardly ever fight and when we do it’s always when she’s drunk.
From the age of five, she could remember times when her mother used to come home bathed in alcohol. When the neighbours caught on that Lex wasn’t being fed daily and her school inquired why she wasn’t attending classes anymore, the state had placed her in the system.
But it seems like Lex also has an alcohol problem. It’s not such a big deal, everyone in college drinks like it’s their last day on earth, yet it still worries me.
I turn around to see who’s calling me and panic fills me when I see Ryan standing a few feet away from me.Dear God.
“Why are you not answering my texts?” He’s in an artichoke green t-shirt that I bought him last month when I told him the colour looked good on him and a pair of light wash jeans.
“Because we’re over. What do you want from me?” I ask.
Ryan steps closer, invading my personal space and takes a sip of his drink. “Because I love you, Parker.”
“Stop. Can you just stop?” I can feel the bile rising in my throat.
His dark brows furrow. “Give me another chance, baby. I’ll make up to you.”
I throw back the rest of my drink and shake my head as I walk backwards. “No. I can’t.”
“Why? Are you already fucking him?” Ryan’s voice is thick with jealousy as he follows me.
A few heads turn to us because Ryan’s voice is loud. It’s as if he’s doing it intentionally.
“What if she is?” someone asks behind me.
I swivel around to see Hudson standing there in his black hoodie and dark jeans. His eyes are hooded, his expression blank.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Ryan spits out as he pushes past me and walks up to Hudson.
Hudson stands there calm and I’m waiting for him to punch Ryan any second now because I can feel my anger burning up inside of me. I’m willing to punch Ryan with the price of a few minor knuckle bruises.
But Hudson just stands there quietly and stares at Ryan who’s now jabbing his index finger into his chest.
“Clearly not a drunk,” Hudson says coolly.