Page 44 of Devil Within
Matt is probably hiding somewhere. He always gets away with a beating. I, however, am not so fortunate. I never understood why, but for some bizarre reason, I will always be my father’s target. And if not me, then mom.
But she is hardly ever around these days, which just makes my father angrier. It’s a back and forth game of cat and mouse in which I’m the prey to my father’s sadistic ways. The poor, weak victim: Hudson Saylor-Tyne.
Laying back against the cool floorboards, I close my eyes shut and try to think of good things and happy things. But there is nothing good and there is no happiness. It’s like white noise in the background.
I hear the heavy footfalls coming up the stairs. My eyes squeeze shut as the door creaks open and the familiar sound of my father’s leather belt whips in the air.He’s not going to stop tonight.
I jerk awake from the nightmare. My chest is heaving and my heart pounding hard and fast as if I am really there in that attic all over again.I was there-I was there-I was there,I repeat to myself, unable to separate past from the present.
My father’s face keeps on showing up in my head and I can’t seem to pull myself out of the nightmare. The familiar feel of his belt cutting into my skin as he beats the crap out of me every single night until the leather and buckle are slick with blood. An icy shiver runs through me.It’s not real,I tell myself.It’s not real.
I take a deep breath and adjust my eyes to find myself here in Parker’s bedroom. I relax when I realise that her naked body is still pressed against me and her soft, innocent face is inches away from mine as she sleeps peacefully.
She is so beautiful, so young.
Memories of our night together resurface and I vividly remember the strong rush of taking her into my arms as I fucked her until she came and my name left her lips while her body trembled underneath me.
Sitting up, I grab my jeans and underwear from the floor, before pulling them both on.
I’ll take shower when I get back home. I don’t want to linger around her apartment any longer than I needed to. The game has only just begun.
Looking over at her, sleeping as if there isn’t a worry in the world, I watch as her chest rises and a soft sigh escapes her lips. Something about her comes across as safe.
Maybe it’s her damn smile or her soft loving touch, but Parker isn’t like the others. What she means to me, conflicts with my thoughts deeply. Our lovemaking last night was unlike the previous times with all the other various girls I had been with.
My other sexual escapades over the years have either been rough and meaningless or casual. Last night, however, was gentle and different.
I had shown her wealth, I eased her into letting me take her virginity and yet, she isn’t repelled by me. Not yet at least. Not even when I had lost my cool at the party for a fraction of a second.
The way she looks at me. That slight look of vulnerability. I already have her hooked and I’d prefer to keep it that way.
But it isn’t going to stay like this forever. Sooner or later, she’ll figure out that I’m not all hunky-dory and then she’d want nothing more to do with me. That I am certain of. It always comes down to that.
I pull my hoodie over my head and switch my phone screen on to see three missed calls from a number that I remember like the back of my mind.
It isn’t so curious as to why she is calling at two in the morning. I already know why. Diana is always departing for months—sometimes three months on end—before contacting me again after swearing that we are over. The fact is that we are never over.
She is married now to some hotshot neurosurgeon, living up the high life in Seattle as a housewife. It’s amusing to think she would actually settle down. But clearly, something is up, otherwise, she wouldn’t be calling me.
It’s always been easy to get Diana. Even though she’s married, she still wants me. We’ve been screwing each other for years now. Whether it’s a Christmas party or even in the shadows of a darkened alleyway. She’s so hooked, she can’t breakaway. Why would she when I always give her what she wants?
It’s a sort of giving and taking situation, like a transaction. I take, she gives. I give, she takes.
She’s probably in Manhattan already, so I text her our usual time and place. At 3 p.m. that afternoon, we’ll meet at the Skyline Hotel. It’s always cleaner when I choose time and place, so that way, I won’t be getting myself into any sticky situations.
Her reply comes in seconds:
Sure, lover —D
I grin to myself. Tonight is bound to be more than exciting. I can already feel the energy pulsing through my veins.
Switching my phone off, I offer one last glance at Parker. What she doesn’t know can’t hurt her.
And then I leave the apartment. The rush of cold air causes my skin to trickle with goosebumps as I step out onto the streets of Manhattan. I have a feeling it’s going to be a good day.