Page 50 of Devil Within
I stagger as I force myself to stand up, pulling Ryan up with me. “Get up!” I shout.
Ryan wobbles towards me, trying to push me away, but I just stand there. It’s amusing to see him struggle like the unfortunate waste of human being he is.
My eyes momentarily flash over to the edge of the Venom rooftop, before glancing back at Ryan.
“But then again, I also don’t appreciate being threatened,” I say and without much effort, I step forward and into the light, reminding Ryan that I am his nightmare, before shoving him off the top of the Venom rooftop.
I turn away, brushing the blood from my face as I hear the sounds of screams below. And just as fast as the anger had come, it quickly dissipates.
The blood trickles in dark rivulets as I hold my hand under the open faucet. I watch as it disappears down the drain, before shutting off the tap and pulling off my t-shirt and jeans.
Looking up into the mirror, I can already see a dark bruise forming against my right cheekbone and a slightly deep cut just below my left eyebrow.Fuck.
It’s only 3 a.m., I realize as I switch on my phone and walk back into my dark bedroom.
There are several missed calls from Diana and one from Parker. Just one call from Parker. Something about that annoys me. But then again I wasn’t being honest with Parker when I called her the day before.
She is probably furious, but I don’t have time to deal with that right now, so I place my phone on silent and keep it on my bedside table as I sit down on my bed.
As for Diana, she knows better than to call me again, especially if I didn’t bother answering the first time. It’s as if the roles had switched. Diana is now using me whenever she needs a quick fuck and I am always there, eager as ever.
I’ll find a way next time to assure her that her services aren’t necessary any longer. Her pathetic sex life is no longer my concern. It’s starting to become one big fucking, boring family reality sitcom that I don’t seem to remember signing up for.
I grab my MacBook and slide it across my lap and log into it as I rest my head against a pillow.
A while ago I had found some really interesting files saved on that fuck, Ryan. I never thought that I would have any use for them, but now seeing that I would need some blackmail to fall back on—that was if Ryan survived his little fall—I’d just have to go through the files.
Ryan.Kensington’s “Golden Boy”. Parker’s perfect ex-boyfriend.What a tragedy,I smirk as I skip through several harmless videos of Ryan until I stumble across a video in a room with a red light effect.
It’s definitely Ryan in the video. I watch as a young girl who couldn’t be any older than Parker kneels in front of him with a leash around her neck.
“What do we have here?” I whisper as I scroll further down, finding several other videos with Ryan performing some questionable acts.
“You dumb cunt.”
So much for being a threat,I think to myself as I switch the MacBook off and place it on the empty spot beside me, before laying back and staring into the darkness.
I can’t sleep just yet. Grabbing my phone, I go into Parker’s chat and send her a message.
Hey —H
Silence fills the room as I impatiently shuffle in the bed and a text finally comes through.
Hi —P
What are you doing? —H
Parker responds seconds later.
Nothing much. What about you? —P
In bed,I text her, before typing up a new message.