Page 7 of Devil Within
“I did, just like you did last night,” I tell Ryan, before turning to Hudson and taking his hand.
We walk away from Ryan as quickly as we can and when we’re out of his eyesight, I let go of Hudson’s hand, but not before he reaches out and grabs my wrist.
“I’m not even going to ask what that was about, but are you going to come?”
I stare up into his green eyes and think about it for a second, before nodding. “I’ll think about it.”
“Don’t think for too long,” he says, before releasing my wrist and wandering away, leaving me lost for words.
What just happened?
* * *
“Who?” Lex asks as we prepare our ramen.
“His name is Hudson,” I tell her while ripping my chilli oil open and squeezing out the dark liquid from inside its packet.
Once the noodles are coated, I add thin slices of beef over them and sprinkle sesame seeds around the bowl. It smells and looks divine.
The recipe was one that Lex had seen on TikTok, and since we had ramen every Friday night, we decided to try a new style every time we had the noodles.
“Mm, and he’s sexy?” she asks as she pours a can of hard seltzers into two wine glasses—the only wine glasses we own since Lex breaks everything—for us before topping it off with a slice of lime.
“Yeah, but I don’t know anything else about him, including his last name,” I say, before shoving a forkful of ramen into my mouth.
Spicy goodness fills my mouth and I’m in ramen heaven as I take my time to appreciate the chilli oil and beef.
Lex pulls her MacBook onto her lap beside me and clicks away at her keyboard, before turning the screen towards me. “You know we have a student website right? It features all our students, dating back to the mid-19th century.”
I shrug, completely lost with where she’s going with this. “And?”
“And,” she says, typingHudsoninto the search. “We can find your mystery man.”
“He’s not my man,” I correct her.
“Well, never say never, babe.”
I roll my eyes because Lex always grabs at any opportunity to tease me, especially when it’s got to do with a guy.
“Okay,” she says, as the page loads and a search result of one thousand and two Hudsons come up.
“Oh no, I’m not going through that list,” I tell her as I sit back and finish my ramen.
“I will look for anyone remotely sexy,” she says, with a glow of determination on her face.
I wish her good luck and stuff the last bit of my ramen into my mouth, before going to bed. Once I’m tucked in, I spend a good half hour reading The Picture Of Dorian Gray.
The last thing I read is Lord Henry’s thoughts on Dorian’s beauty.
No wonder Basil Hallward worshipped him. He was made to be worshipped.
I fall asleep easily and dream of images with Hudson reading lines of Dorian Gray to me and all I keep on thinking about in my dream how amazingly hot he is.
I’m suddenly shaken awake lightly and I open my eyes to find Lex hovering above me like a weirdo, with her MacBook screen glowing in my face.
“What the hell Lex?” I ask.
“I’ve narrowed the list down to ten recent students,” she says excitedly.