Page 86 of Devil Within
I can feel Matt looking at me, but I continue to stare ahead. “Maybe that’s exactly what he needs? Someone to sign up for this shit and help him.”
“If you’re his family and you couldn’t help him, then what makes you think I can?”
“I didn’t help him. That’s the point, no one has ever tried to,” Matt says.
I shake my head. “I’m sorry, Matt, I wish I could say I’m the one that’s going to help him figure out his shit and stick by his side, but I really don’t think that. There’s something wrong with him and it’s not good. I was brought up with level headed parents that taught me to understand when to walk away from a situation.”
“You’re right,” Matt says after a beat. “He’s no concern of yours. I’m sorry for asking you for such a big favour.”
I want to say something else, mostly because Matt is making me feel guilty, but after everything that’s happened tonight, my brain couldn’t possibly forgive what Hudson did.
Even if he is troubled in some way, how am I going to help him change?
What about the emotional aspects of getting myself hurt over and over again just because he needs help?
Matt and I hardly talk for the rest of the drive, going nowhere specific. I couldn’t go back to Manhattan right now in the middle of the night.
Think, think, think, Parker.
Something does pop into my head and I remember my parent’s old family holiday home in Mastic Beach that couldn’t be that far from here.
“Hey, Matt how far is Mastic Beach from here?”
“Hmm, about half an hour,” Matt says. “Do you want me to take you there?”
“Are you okay with it? I’m really sorry for troubling you like this when none of this is any of your concern.”
“Are you crazy? I couldn’t leave you out there on your own. And yes, I’m okay with it,” he says.
“Thanks, also could you just keep this between us?”
“I won’t tell a soul. I promise. What’s the address?”
Matt types in the address I give him on his GPS and it doesn’t take us long to reach Mastic Beach. Soft music plays in the background, lulling me to sleep as Matt drives at a moderately good speed.
* * *
I’m shaken awake by Matt hovering above me. “We’re here,” he whispers.
“Oh.” I sit up and stretch my arms as I look out at the small family home in front of me. I hadn’t been here in years.
It’s a cute house that was perfectly made just for my mom, dad and me when I was a little kid and before my dad created his business. It was one of his first projects.
I grab my bag and climb out of the car. My body feels like crap and I need to sleep immediately.
“Do you need cash or anything?” Matt asks.
“No, I’m good, but thank you so much,” I tell him as I wrap my arms around him. “I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome. Here’s my number, let me know if you ever need anything,” Matt reaches into his jeans pocket and retrieves a business card, before handing it to me.
The card has both his work and phone number printed in silver italics across its creamy surface.
“Do you want to stay the night?” I ask. “I inconvenienced you, so it’s all I can offer.”
“No, thanks,” Matt says. “I need to be back and deal with Hudson. Trust me, there’s no way, I can leave him alone there.”