Page 16 of Pike
Just ahead, stands a heavy, dark oak door that must have been the secret library’s entrance. Warm, yellow light leaks in from the bottom of the door. This has to be it.
I glance over at Quinn who simply shrugs, so I gently knock on the wooden door.
Seconds turn into minutes and I start to doubt my directions when there’s a click of a lock and the heavy door swings open to reveal a tall male silhouette.
He steps forward and into the light, a devilish smile pulling at his dark rosy cupid bow lips and his striking green eyes giving both of us a quick study.River Slade.
“Girls.” He acknowledges us with a nod of his head. “Are you coming in or not?” His voice is rough and deep, but seductive. And I can completely understand why Quinn finds both of her brothers attractive.
He moves back into the shadows and Quinn and I step into the narrow entrance.
I watch as Quinn daringly looks up into his eyes and he smirks, before leaning down and whispering into her ear. A small gasp escapes her throat and I watch as Quinn’s cheeks grow red.
“Go on,” he whispers to both of us.
And with that, he turns away from us and gestures his hand towards a blue, velvet veil which Quinn is already walking through.
“Shall we, Pike?” River asks and I nod before following him in.
Behind the veil is a grand, sweeping staircase that extends to the library below. Numerous bookshelves stand high, filled with old books with layers of dust on them. The smell of vanilla and firewood enters my senses and it reminds me of cold days being swathed in warm sheets, whilst reading a book.
As we descend the staircase, I notice the other students all lounging in front of a fireplace. It’s a grand, marble hearth that touches the ceiling and it’s alive with a raging fire. Red and orange flames lick the wood as they dance together in the darkness.
“Everyone that has been invited,” River says, turning to me and holding out his hand. I hand him the bottle of Dom Perignon and he takes it, before moving to the middle of the dimly lit library. “You know the rules. Your prey will be hidden and you will hunt them. You have exactly one hour after the hunt commences to do whatever you’d like to your prey. Everything is fair game.”
“Consider this as part of your initiation into our little depraved world,” River continues. “And once you’re in there’s no getting out.”
My skin crawls at the last sentence, but I watch as the other students applaud their acceptance into this world. Quinn claps too, her eyes glowing with enthusiasm.
River holds the bottle of Perignon up and shouts, “A toast to our newest members!”
We all drink from the bottle of Dom Perignon. The bottle travels various lips and I even join in too at some point. Everyone gathers together on the black rug in front of the blazing flames, our warm bodies brushing against each other as we share the delicious alcohol.Skin to skin.Lip to lip.
I hear Rhys’ voice and then I see him in the darkness. He’s in an open black shirt, revealing his pale abs and he’s moving towards me until his arm is around my waist. He leans in and presses a black solo cup to my lips, tipping it back and slowly feeding me another drink. It’s really sweet and fruity. It’s my new favourite thing.
He leans into me, a cruel smile creeping across his full lips as he lowers his mouth to my ear.
“You’re mine, Pi. You’re my little Rabbit.”
My senses distort as I lay back against the rug. My thoughts are blurry but I feel at ease. Slender fingers wrap around my neck, stroking me gently. A warm pair of lips touch the hollow base of my throat and then I feel a light, sharp prick at my skin.
There’s the ephemeral sensation of ecstasy before the darkness comes over me and then complete silence.
She’s completely naked, blindfolded and bound by both of her delicate, pale wrists and suspended perfectly in front of me, against the collapsed, massive jewelled cross that now stands on the wooden altar.
We’re at the church on campus grounds and I threw my sister over my shoulder before getting out of that library.
I’d managed to conserve some of the Ketamine I’d acquired when I was last in Hemlock and then when we all came together in the secret library, I found Pi and fed her another drink spiked with the drug. She’s mine tonight.