Page 36 of Pike
“Because I was blinded,” I say. “I didn’t want to accept it.”
My father watches me closely, his dark, beady eyes fixed on me. For a second, I start to think that it’s not going to work.
Minutes pass and nothing. Perhaps, we didn’t use enough GHB in his drink.
But then by luck, I watch as his eyes flutter.
“I always knew you were my pretty girl, Pi,” he says and wakes up from his chair.
My father staggers around his desk and moves towards me and I find myself completely freezing to the spot where I am standing.
He reaches out and attempts to grab my arm, but as soon as he does that, he falls to the floor, not entirely knocked out.
“Pi,” he slurs and I take a step back.
I feel a strong arm come around me and I swivel around to see Rhys standing there.
My father manages to lift his head and look up at us.
Rhys grabs my face, guides his lips to mine and kisses me long enough for my father to see.
“Pike,” my father calls me, but Rhys slips his tongue into my mouth and I think it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever done.
We break apart for air and he gives me a small smile, before glancing down at the floor and glaring at my tormentor.
Rhys lets go of me and reaches down to grab my father by his shoulders. I don’t even have to help him move my father around the desk and put him back in his chair.
I take the jar out of my pocket as Rhys uses a roll of duct tape to secure him to the chair.
“Come here, Pi. I want you to place that spider inside his fucking mouth,” Rhys says in a tone I don’t think I’ve ever heard him use before. “It’ll teach him a lesson for fucking uttering your name.”
I do as told and open the jar once I’m close enough to him. Rhys pries his mouth open and I turn the jar over, letting the Violin spider fall in. It’s one of the deadliest spiders in the world. One bite from its necrotic venom and he’ll suffer from necrosis, with its venom killing off the infected cells and tissue around it.
Rhys grabs the tape from the desk and places two strips over my father’s mouth to prevent the spider from coming out.
“Right,” he says, taking a step back. “I need one other thing.”
He turns around to face me and slides his palm around my neck once more, before kissing me fiercely. “I’ll be back in a second, okay?”
I nod. “Okay.”
When my brother leaves, I turn around to face my father. He’s a little drowsy, but he’s watching me and I can see the look of pure fear in his eyes. The sweat downs down his reddened face. It can’t be comfortable with a venomous spider trapped in your mouth and it’s only way out is sealed.
Rhys comes back a minute later and this time it’s with his hockey stick. I swallow hard because I can only imagine what he’s about to do with it.
“Rhys,” I whisper, but he’s not listening to me. He walks over to my father, raises his arms and swings the hockey stick in my father’s direction, hitting him square in the jaw with it.
There’s a weird crack in the air and I watch as Rhys loses his shit. He walks around my father and I can see the blood trickling down the side of his face.
A part of me feels terrified, but I know deep down that if we don’t do this, there’s no moving forward.
My father groans and struggles in his chair, his face is bright red now.
“Did you enjoy touching my sister you sick fucking cunt?” Rhys asks, walking back around to face him. “Did you enjoy pleasuring yourself in front of her?”
My father looks at me, his eyes are bloodshot and I can tell he wants to say something. It feels good to watch him struggle the same way I struggled in years of silence. I had no way out. I had no voice. Now it’s his turn to pay the price.
“You always have so much to say and now I can’t seem to fucking hear you,” Rhys taunts while tapping the blade of his hockey stick against my father’s leg. “I want to know what you thought about in that sick fucking head of yours Daniel.”