Page 57 of Orchestrated Love
He smiled at the big red heart, the wink, and the wide grin emojis that were Noah’s response to his message as the elevator doors opened, letting them out on the third floor. Signs pointed them to the maternity area of the floor, and he caught sight of Jim as he rounded the corner. His friend looked wiped out, but the sparkle in his eyes said he was ecstatic, despite his exhaustion.
Jax reached in for a hug. “Congratulations again, Jim! I’m really happyfor you.”
Jim patted his back before releasing him. “Thanks, man. I’m tired and all I did was hang out and watch Annie and the baby sleep.”
“What’s my new niece’s name?”
“Joanna Marie Bell,” Jake announced proudly before his father could answer. “Me and Jude helped pick the name for a boy anda girl.”
A smug smile lit up his face, even as his twin chimed in, “If it was a boy, his name would be Jamison Andrew Bell.”
Jax chuckled. “Well, it’s a good thing you’re all ready with the names, there, kiddo, because I’m sure your mama is dying to see the two of you and to introduce you to Joanna.”
“We wanna call her Jojo,” Jake added importantly, puffing out his chest. “That will be easier for her to say.”
Jax met Jim’s eyes above their heads and grinned. Big brother duties had commenced. Just then, Mrs. Blake, Annie’s mom, stepped into the hallway, her face lighting up when she saw hergrandsons.
“Grandma!” Both boys headed over to hug her, while Jim shushed them and shookhis head.
“Come on. Let’s get you in before mayhem starts.”
Chuckling, Jax followed him into the private hospital room. Jim had many things planned for Annie, Jax knew, to say thanks for trying again between their losses and now, and he applauded his friend for going all out for the love of his life. The way he would do for Noah when thetime came.
Annie’s eyes were closed when they walked in, but they popped open when Jim went to stand next to her, as though she was attuned to his very presence. The loving glance they shared made him feel like a third wheel on a fancy date, and he turned and stepped away to let them have a moment to just breathe each other in. Then Annie’s voice sounded in the quiet room.
“Jax, thanks for looking after the boys for me. Come and meet your newgodchild.”
The tiny human being cradled in her mother’s arms was napping, red-faced and completely adorable with her flat baby nose, tiny eyes, and scrunched up fingers, fisted inside the socks they were presently wearing. Annie beckoned him closer and added, “Want tohold her?”
Yes, yes he did! He leaned in and took the sleeping infant from her arms, cradling the tender head against his bicep and swaying gently, humming into her ear as he planted a kiss on the top ofher head.
“She’s too precious, Annie,” he whispered.
“Thanks, Jax.” Her smile was proud and full of love for the child she’d been carrying for nine months.
Jax only had a brief moment with Joanna before her grandmother and brothers walked in, and he had to relinquish his hold on her so they could touch her as she lay once again in her mother’s arms.
Not wanting to take up any more of their family time, he said, “I need to get going. I have a few things to do to prepare for the closing if the owners agree to my price. And I have to start getting ready for work. I’ll be at home later. Do you need me to doanything?”
“No. We’re set now Mama B’s here,” Jim said. “We can’t thank you enough for looking after the boys last night. I know they can be a handful sometimes.”
“They were fine, and I don’t mind.” Jax smiled at his friend and then turned to Mrs. Blake. “Do you need me to order dinner for you later, Mrs. B? I assume Jim’s going to be staying here with Annie?”
“No, thank you, Jackson,” she never called him Jax, no matter how often he begged her to, “we’ll be fine. We’ll see you later, son.”
“Okay. Be good, you two,” he said, pointing tothe boys.
“Yes, Uncle Jax.”
Back in his car, he called Noah, who picked up on the first ring. “Hey. How’severyone?”
“Mother and baby are well, and father, brothers and grandma are thrilled. I just left them.”
“So,what now?”
“I need to find a lawyer to help me with the paperwork. I’ve researched it, and it seems it’s in my best interest to have someone go over stuff with me whoisn’tthe realtor, especially because it’s a rent-to-own situation that the owners and I are kinda speeding up. Don’t suppose you know anyone?”
“Not a lawyer, no, but I can ask my dad. He may know someone who knows someone. Come over for lunch and we can talk more before we go out.”