Page 64 of Orchestrated Love
“I had no reason to hope I could make a fresh start after the accident. My work was all I had after you … after we broke up. I immersed myself in it completely. I was only ever with someone to scratch an itch, and they knew that. My work was my solace. When I lost it, I felt like I had nothing left.”
Jax watched him swallow some of his own drink, turning the glass in his hands. He waited, knowing that there were still a lot of things he didn’t know about the Noah he’d bumped into just a month earlier. He was still getting to know that man, though his feelings had only grown deeper asa result.
“I’m even thinking I might go back to college for a master’s degree in composing. It can’t hurt, right?”
“No, it can’t. As long as it’ll make you happy.”
He watched as Noah’s Adam’s apple rose and fell when he swallowed more of his drink, and the desire to hold him took prominence in his brain again. He wanted to do much more than hold him, but that would do for starters. He needed to get them closer for that to happen, though, so he put the rest of his drink down on the coffee table and crooked a finger at Noah.
“You’re too far away.Join me?”
He patted the empty spot on the loveseat and watched as Noah’s cheeks bloomed in a sweet smile. He stood up, putting his own glass on the coffee table next to Jax’s and sat next to him, turning his body so he could see him. Jax reached out and took his hand, lacing their fingers together and leaning in.
“It’s been too long,” he murmured before he claimed Noah’s lips, doing his best to keep the kiss just this side ofconsuming.
He wanted to build up to their lovemaking, to increase the level of seduction to where Noah would never question Jax’s feelings for him, where he would know with absolute certainty that they would never be apart again because of any unilateral decision that Jax made. He’d been wrong to break them apart without talking it over with Noah, and he’d learned the hard way that that kind of alpha arrogance never paid off when it came to matters ofthe heart.
Noah’s mouth was pliant, almost submissive beneath his, his body leaning against Jax with complete abandon. They explored each other’s mouths, then left the warm confines to rediscover those spots where tongue and teeth and nibbling lips drew sighs and groans and gasps as they raised the heat level between them. When Noah turned and lifted himself to straddle Jax’s lap, both of them sighed, recognizing that this had been the endgame of their foreplay all along and the beginning of the final stretch to the fulfillment they sought in each other’s arms.
“I missed you, Jax.” Noah’s voice was strained, his eyes hot with truthand lust.
“No more than I missed you, Noah.”
Jax wanted to shower him with endearments, but this time it seemed necessary to call him by his name, to cement the truth in his heart.
“I want you like I did way back when I was twenty-one and thought the world was mine and I could have anything I wanted. Like I’ve wanted you for eleven years.” Noah’s voice was harsh with emotion. “The wanting never left me. It had anger and sadness and hurt with it, but it stayed when the rest dissipated.”
He rolled his hips, sliding his clothed cock against Jax’s, and the groan they both let loose echoed around the room. Jax gripped the back of his head and pulled his mouth in, kissing him greedily, as though he was going to disappear in the next moment so he had to get everything he could before then.
“Strip,” he grunted, dislodging Noah from his lapto stand.
Clothes went everywhere before he drew Noah down to the floor, pulling cushions off the couch to put behind his head. There was no time for finesse after all the teasing earlier. He ravished his younger lover, starting at his ears and sucking and licking his way down to his cock, which stood at attention like a soldieron guard.
His name on Noah’s lips was a plea he couldn’t ignore. “I’ve got you, babe. Open for me.”
Noah obeyed, spreading his legs and lifting his ass so Jax could sink his fingers into him. He gasped and writhed on those invading digits, sending Jax’s temperature soaring at the erotic sight. He wanted to do so many things to Noah, but he didn’t intend to blow his load before he was inside him.
“One more?”
At Noah’s nod, he pushed a third finger in, aiming for his prostate and pegging it over and over, watching as Noah leaked precum in a steady stream. Needing to taste it as much as he needed Noah to come with him, he pulled his fingers free to wrap them around the hard length before his eyes and then he sucked him down to the root. Noah’s ecstatic cries made his own precum flow freely.
Quickly pulling a condom from his jeans pocket, hating every second that he wasn’t touching Noah, he covered his shaft and pulled Noah’s knees over his shoulders, then dove into his willing body, pausing only for Noah to relax so he could push past his tight ring. Then he slid all the way home, gasping at how good it felt to nestle against his lover’s body, hip to hip, balls to ass.
“Oh fuck, Jax!”
“I know, babe, I know. Feelsso good!”
They stayed still a moment, each savoring the feeling of filling and being filled, and then Jax began to move. He couldn’t hold out any longer, and he prayed that Noah wouldn’t be sore tomorrow. Flesh against flesh, breath into breath, grunts, moans, and sighs kept the rhythm of their lovemaking, building in intensity as Jax rocked into Noah, fast and hardand deep.
“Oh g…aaaahhh!”
Noah came without touching himself, a shocked burst of sound breaking free, and his body shot cum between them. Jax looked down, watching the head of his lover’s dick spurt cream, jerking with each shot, and he roared out his own release into the condom. He slammed into Noah’s ass relentlessly, unable to stop the pistoning of his hips as his seed jetted from him, staying inside at the last and burrowing as deep as he could as Noah’s muscles contracted around him and pulled every drop of semen fromhis cock.
When Jax tried to pull away so as not to crush him, Noah wrapped his arms around him, keeping him close. He gave in and lay atop him, their legs tangled, their harsh breathing easing together as they rested from their orgasms. His cock slid free, and he must have dozed for a minute, because he opened his eyes to find Noah smiling at him. He had rolled them onto their sides, the condom removed, and his arms were still around Jax.
“Welcome back, Prof! Did I wear you out?”he teased.