Page 48 of Distance
I quickly snap my mouth shut when I realize I’m basically drooling over his body. His liquid dark eyes bore into mine. This is the first time I’ve really taken him in, in broad daylight. There’s a faint scar visible, only a centimeter or so, vertically down his left eyebrow.How have I not noticed this before? Oh, probably because his head is I don’t want to come across as desperate.
The memory sends ripples down my body and I shiver. His jaw ticks as he takes me in, shifting his vision between David and me.
“Hey mate. I’m a big fan.” David pipes up, interrupting us from our staring competition.
“Nice to meet you,” he says through gritted teeth as he sticks his hand out to David.
“David. I er- work with Sienna. I was with her last weekend at the club,” David explains, grabbing his outstretched hand with a firm handshake.
Keller gives a nod and turns his sights back to me, ignoring David, who is only two steps away from us.
“Well, it was nice to-”
Before I can even finish my sentence, Keller smashes his lips onto mine, cupping both hands around my jaw. Then, just as quickly he’s pulling away from me, looking down at me through hooded eyes, giving me a lopsided grin. A grin that makes me forget why I’m pissed at him in the first place.
Now I’m hot and flustered, I feel like I need to rip my coat off to let the cold air wrap around my body.
“I’ll pick you up outside your office at five.”
Coming out of my haze from the kiss, I blink up at him. “Wait, how do you know…”
“I’m a resourceful man.”
“Well, if you would have actually spoken to me this week, I would have told you.” I bite back now. The haze from the kiss, gone.
“Oh Princess, don’t be like that. I had some things I needed to sort. I don’t intend to go that long without you ever again.”
Talk about putting my head in a complete spin.Maybe he does want me?
“So, I’ll see you at five, yes? I believe I have some making up to do, Baby.”
He gives me a knowing wink, planting a quick peck on my forehead, and launches back into a jog without even so much as a goodbye.
I stand there blankly watching him jog off toward the New York skyline. Whatthe fuck just happened?
“You’re blushing Baby Girl,” David nudges me out of my haze.
Linking my arms back through his with a huff, I march us back to the office. Now I’ll be counting the hours until I can continue that kiss. Damn you, Keller, for making me horny at work. Oh well, an afternoon of divorcing couples arguing will soon douse the heat inside me.
* * *
The afternoon goes by at a snail’s pace. I’m watching the seconds pass by. The off-white walls and cool-down lights almost giving me a headache. I’m still mad at Keller for ignoring me all week, but damn, all I can think about is being fucked into oblivion by him again. Just the thought has had me squeezing my legs together at my desk all day. He’s quickly consuming my every thought.I need to be careful not to get too attached. I can’t let him break my heart.
The second five o’clock hits, I fly out the door, offering David a quick goodbye as I swipe my coat and make for a jog down the stairs.
The ground floor heaves with businessmen making their way out of the building. I beeline straight to the revolving doors. I can spot him a mile off. His black jumper with the hood up and those delicious gray sweatpants, as he leans up against his gunmetal Aston Martin.
I see the envy in the eyes of the businessmen admiring his car. I roll my eyes,men and their toys.
Keller’s face lights up, relief flashing over his features as he realizes I’m coming to him. Quickening my pace, I’m now almost jogging toward him, everyone around me is a blur. All I can see, all I can focus on, is making my way to him.
When I finally do, I literally leap into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist, dropping my lips straight to his. I just can’t help myself.
“Well, that’s one hell of a greeting, Baby,” he rasps. “Now I’m fucking hard in the middle of the street in broad daylight.”
Wiggling my hips down slightly, I feel his rock-hard cock against my pussy. He wasn’t joking. Good job his pants are baggy. Nothing would hide the massive bulge he’s sporting, nothing could hide that.
All that does is ignite the fire within me. Knowing this man wants me this much makes me feel more alive than ever.