Page 69 of Distance
As I enter the room, her head snaps up over the back of the sofa. Her big blue eyes instantly lower my blood pressure. I remind myself she’s here, she’s mine, she’s safe.
Sinking into the leather couch, I pat my lap. Without hesitation she straddles me. I bury my head into the crook of her neck and with a heavy inhale, I breathe in her sweet scent. The effect is better than any drug on this planet. She leans back and brings both of her soft palms to my cheeks, pulling my face to look at hers. She studies me intently, her eyebrow cocking up. “Is everything okay, Champ? I heard glass smashing and your eyes are wild. You look like you want to kill someone.”
I let out an involuntary laugh. She’s hit the nail right on the head and she doesn’t even realize the truth she speaks.
Bringing my nose to hers, our foreheads touching. I don’t want her looking into my soul, seeing the monster that’s on the edge of exploding out of me.
“Everything will be fine, Baby. I promise.”
I let out an exasperated sigh. It’s now or never. With Luca and his men, the fucking mafia, on their way up to the penthouse, I need to let her in on some of it.
“Talk to me Keller, please.” Her eyes plead with me.
“A threat has been made against you. I need you to trust me when I say no one will fucking touch a hair on your head.” She stiffens, her worried eyes now searching mine.
“What kind of threat, Keller? Was it Jamie?” she whispers, her voice shaking.
“Right now I don’t know. Luca and his men are on their way here now. I should know more soon.”
“Luca and his men? What is he? Some sort of gang leader?” she mocks, searching for an answer.
I don’t respond. I can’t lie to her.
“Heisthe mafia, Princess.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Keller. Your brother is not themafia,”she says, mocking the word.
“I could not be more deadly serious right now, Sienna. He’s the leader of New York’s largest mafia organization. I promise you, he would never hurt you. He’s coming to help protect you, Baby.”
Her brows furrow as she digests my words. She’s sitting on the lap of the Mafia leader’s right-hand man, his hitman. But this is a detail I won’t be revealing today, if ever.
“Right, so you're telling me the leader of a ruthless gang that murders people is coming here right now, and they won’t hurt me. Riiiight.”
“I would never let anyone, and I mean anyone, hurt you, Sienna. You know that. I told you I wasn’t a saint, I never pretended to be one. Right now, the only thing I care about is keeping you safe. Okay, Baby?”
Fuck. I need her to understand.
“Okay, I trust you Champ. Are you sure you’re okay?” she says as she brings her lips to mine for a soft kiss. My body slightly relaxes into her touch.
More than that, she trusts me.
I smother her in an embrace, wrapping my arms tightly around her delicate frame, almost to remind myself she’s mine. Most women would run a mile with this kind of information. Not my woman. She’s more worried about me than anything else. Never in my life has someone been concerned about how I am. I’ve never feltthiskind of love.
“What are you going to do about the threat?” she questions, her voice muffled in my chest.
Hunt down every single one of Falcones’ men and slit their throats, I think to myself as the elevator pings.
“I’ll get the men in the office and then introduce you to Luca. Remember, above all else, he’s a good man and my brother. He’ll do anything to keep you safe.”
I really hope she understands.
She simply nods and climbs off my lap, offering me a hand up from the sofa. That makes me laugh. If I was to take her up on the offer, she’d just fall straight on her face back on the couch. She might be strong for her petite frame, but I doubt she can lift over 200lb. I grab her hand anyway and take all my weight into my glutes as I rise off the couch. Keeping her hand in mine, we walk over to the elevator as Luca strides out, his eyes meeting mine and giving me a quick nod.
The fact that she has my back, that she’s worried about me, stirs feelings deep inside my chest.
Stepping to the side, out walks six of his men. All dressed in black suits, leather loafers and all with their signature slicked back hair. Luca must have warned them not to interact with me in front of Sienna, because they stand there unfazed by me, their faces expressionless.
Bar one fucker, whose eyes are glued to Sienna. He obviously didn’t get the memo. I don’t recognise him. I might stay in the shadows, but I know all of Luca’s men. His eyes are running up and down Sienna’s body, stopping for that second too long on her tits.