Page 6 of Dark City Omega
I grunt as I try to peel my body off of the ground to reach the knife — I need to pull it out so that I’ll bleed out faster — but he presses his hand, another huge five-fingered hand — against my sternum and pushes. I hit the ground hard enough to knock the breath out of me and, when I blink, Pain smiles at me from the trees. Fear is right beside her. And then both rappel down and claim me with delight.
The Alpha grabs the knife hilt before I can and rips it out of me roughly, but sweet serenity remains elusive because as soon as the blade is free, he arches over me and bites. The fangs slicing into me are too large to be Alpha fangs, but not fully Berserker and each one causes Pain to squeal in delight.
I immolate.
I scream bloody murder.
Venom floods my body in the form of pure liquid agony — agony anddesire.My mouth opens wide and my back arches. My heels dig into the wet ground and I sob as tears prick the edges of my eyes. Even my tearshurtlike dainty fingers plucking out all my eyelashes.
My eyelids flutter open and I see the top of his head. Brown hair everywhere, streaked blond in places, as if from the sun. A bushy beard covers the bottom half of his face that’s now pressed against my wounded thigh,biting. No, not biting,bonding. Renewed anger fills my muscles with strength — and courage. My fingers slam into the ground and luck leads me to my knife.
I lurch up, knife in hand and stab — not for me this time, but for him — anywhere that I can. I catch him in the shoulder, blade plunging true. He wrenches up, fangs elongated and jutting out of his mouth like four daggers, the ones on the top twice as long as the ones on the bottom though they’re all sharp and glistening red and a shimmery silver that’s also spattered on the torn leg of my outer layer — sweatpants too big for me, now they’re shredded through.
Pain. Fear. Desire. My pussy clenches up and his nostrils flare. He opens his mouth and I know that the moment he gives me that first command, it’ll be the end. I won’t survive if I obey him.I’m more than this. I’m more than a pathetic Omega…
Pain. Fear. Desire. Rage.Resistance.
The earth beneath my ass rumbles and groans and, above it, a vine moves like a loosed arrow. It rips from the ground and circles his neck like a whip. Shock makes me jump. He snarls and rips a clawed hand through the vine, severing it.
The venom is pushing through me faster now, making my whole body feel warm, charging it like a battery rebooting and releasing the only other thing an Omega is good for…power…Powers. But…I thought I didn’t have any.
The Berserker seems to have caught onto what’s happening faster than I have, because he doesn’t wait to defend himself and instead launches his next attack. He tackles me to the ground, rolling me onto my side. A heavy weight slams across my chest between my breasts and a hard, heavy hand moves to cradle my head, pulling warmth of a different kind through me. I clench my teeth and fight against it, my legs squirming, kicking wildly as they try to find purchase in anything. My fists clench just as uselessly.
And then I feel the prick of fangs against my throat and I’m beat over the head by Pain again when his fangs sink into the muscle between my shoulder and neck. More vines whip down onto him when I froth at the mouth,screaming. The ground rumbles louder. I kick my legs into the mud and fight harder. The vines wrench him off of me and he breaks them but not as easily as he did the first time.
He pins me again while my muscles strain and my lungs ache from how fast and hard I’m breathing. He rears up and bites down, his fangs sinking into the soft front of my shoulder and my shoulder blade this time, while his hands reach around my body to cage both of my wrists.
The tangled mass of what was once my hip-length red hair has been captured by his other hand, making Merlin right, yet again. I should have cut the shit off, I think as he forces my head back, back until I can’t breathe. Until I strain too much to feel, to see. I can’t hear anything but my pulse rattling.
More vines slap down onto his back, this time so violently that they draw blood. I cansmellit, more coppery and rich than my own. He twitches behind me and withdraws his fangs long enough to wrench me tighter against his hard body. I’m crushed.
“Still,” he says.
“Still — that’s an order.”
“No,” I scream like a psycho, fighting with everything I have against the command he’s given me — a command I know my Omega instinct will have to obey without question. Fear stomps on my chest proudly but when I open my eyes and see the sky, stillness settles over me. Still, like his command. But to use my Omega powers, I don’t need motion.
I close my eyes and settle my breath and the Berserker releases a menacing roar as the earth suddenly opens up below us, pitching our bodies with sudden violence. The Berserker barks out an inhuman sound as our bodies fly, caught in a mudslide of my own making.
My arms windmill as I reach for something — anything — to anchor myself. My back collides with hard soil and fresh, wet clumps of dirt splattering my face.Get up. Get up get up get up.I try to push my arms beneath me, but the Berserker is there — he’s freaking everywhere! — and grabs the back of my sweatshirt. He yanks me over the mud, revolves our bodies so that I’m on the ground and he’s hovering over me, body planking above mine.
The Berserker tosses his head back and shouts up at the sky, “What the fuck?” It’s such ahumanexclamation, it pulls my eyes to him, but I can’t see him clearly because the mud rain is coming down harder and thicker. He covers my head with his arms and ducks his own and, separated by so little now, I try to avoid the disaster of looking directly into his gaze, but I don’t manage.
At first, it’s all I can see — gold, so much fucking gold it makes me wonder if he’s the Berserker of Gold City — until more colors flash into my peripheries. His skin is white, but deeply tanned and his hair is forest brown spliced through with honey. A thick dirty blond or maybe brown beard covers the bottom half of his face and is tangled and matted. He looks like a wild, untamed creature. Almost as wild as me.
“Stop this,” he says to me and it doesn’t even occur to me until this exact moment that I am the one who started it. But I am. I don’t feel it, I just know it. Because there’s no tingling, no rush of power. There’s nothing to indicate that this is an act that I took, except for thatknowing. Like gently throwing a ball and watching it come down. By the time your arm has dropped, you can’t feel any effects of your effort. But the ball is still where it landed, forced there by actions all your own.
That he knew before I did astounds me.
“Now!” he shouts, wet mud chunks dripping around his body and into my eyes as the earth pitches even more violently, threatening to swallow us whole. I gasp and on my breath comes stillness.
My abdomen twists and so do my arms. I grab at his beard and yank on it as hard as I can. He releases a muted grunt and tries to pin me down, but the mud is thick and slippery and he struggles to grab hold of me. We grapple over the ground, I press my heels into the wet, wet earth underneath me and lift my hips, trying to flip us, but it’s fucking pointless. He’s heavier than a tree trunk. I shake my head wildly and release a shriek in frustration, wondering if maybe I can’t blow his eardrums.
He grabs my jaw and stares penetratingly into my eyes in a way I can’t escape.“Lie still and the bonding’ll hurt less,” he snarls in a thick Dark City accent. It makes his words sound more likelae still and the bahn’in’ ll heart less.“Don’t, and you’ll be presentin’ right here for me so I can fuck the disobedience out a you. Don’t test me.”
“Fuck you, Berserker!”