Page 78 of Dark City Omega
“I still don’t get the reference.”
His eyes glitter with something a little different…a little more like sadness. He swallows. “You be good and I’ll give you storytime before bed tonight.”
I just firm my grip around the mirror’s handle when he lifts two fingers and gestures at me to come. His fingers move in this quick motion that reminds me way too much of the way it feels when he uses those fingers inside me.
“Stop it,” I hiss.
He actually gets a surprised look on his face, maybe at the volume of my tone or the accusation. “What am I doin’, wife?”
Wife. There it is again. And once again, I ignore it. “You know what you’re doing?” I say, voice pitched as a question. “You’re trying to distract me and it won’t work. I’m not doing it. I’m not wearing a fucking collar!”
I point my weapon at the thing on the sideboard. Glistening black platinum, it shimmers menacingly. Adam takes it in his hand and lifts the chain it’s attached to. “Every Omega has to wear one.”
“Decided by who? You stupid Berserker Alpha bastards! You said you’re changing things, so change them, because I’m not doing it!”
“Look at it like a piece of jewelry,” Sierra offers.
“You wear it then!”
Sierra frowns and a blush rises in her cheeks. “You know what? On second thought, we’ll be waiting right outside.” She backs out of the room, pushing Whiskey along with her, and closes the door with a quiet click. I don’t dare watch her go, too focused on Adam and worrying about a potential ambush if I let down my guard.
His smile has slipped into a frown but his focus is unflinching and I’m worried — real worried — that I’m not going to make it out of this with my pride intact.
He opens his mouth, but I gasp, “Don’t make me, Berserker. Please. Don’t do that.”
He grunts and there’s anger in his tone, but I don’t get the sense that it’s directed at me. “You think I wanna have you chained to my wrist all night?”
“Damn right. Want you chained to me so that way I can watch every single fucker who’s gonna look at you too long so I can remember whose convoy I need to ambush on their way back to wherever they came from. You’re mine to protect and mine to serve. I’m your Berserker…”
“Then why doIhave to wear the collar?”
Adam exhales through his nostrils. They flare and his jaw sets. He takes another step towards me and I lunge to meet him and whack him on the outside of the wrist with the mirror’s edge. “Jesus, woman. Look, I’ll make a deal with you.”
“I don’t wanna deal.”
“You will when you hear the terms.”
I wait.
Adam grits his teeth and I know what he’s going to say before he does. “You wear the collar just for tonight and I’ll take you to find the witch in the woods.”
“The Omega?”
He nods jerkily and I can tell it takes his whole damn being to give me this thing that I’ve asked for.
“You already promised me that.”
“We’ll leave day after tomorrow.”
I freeze. Yeah, he’s made general statements, but anytime I’ve brought it up, he’s brushed me off, saying that we need to wait for my arm to heal and then after it healed, for Ward to finish her analysis of the venom and then after she finished her analysis, for the Ball…there’s always something. He’s never laid down a date before.
I replay his words, wondering where the trap is. Finding it, I narrow my glare and firm my grip on the mirror. “Andwe’ll find the man in the cave.” He came to me again last night and he sounded so sad. So desperate. In pain.
I frown.