Page 81 of Dark City Omega
“Like this, Omega?” I whisper. I move my hand slowly, gliding in and out of her wet heat. She’s so fuckin’ wet for me already. I glance up and see eyes watchin’ us from near and far. Catch Sierra’s gaze. She’s talkin’ to a pack a’ Alphas from Rookery and the Omega with her neck chained and her head bowed between them. Gettin’ Echo into the damn collar was hard enough. Teachin’ her that she’s supposed to keep her gaze down in a sign a’ submission the whole damn night woulda been impossible. I grin savagely at the Alpha pack, meetin’ each of their eyes as I work my Omega into a fuckin’ hurricane.
One hand possessively around the back of her neck, my lips pressed to the top of her head, I hold her firm while her left knee buckles slightly and she clings to me. “You’re the only Omega for me, wife.”
“Mhmmm,” she moans.
“Shh. You make a sound, I stop and leave you like this.”
“Fuck you, Alpha.”
I release her immediately, slap her clit, pull my hand out from under her skirt and look away from Sierra cuttin’ me with a glare and the pack Alphas gettin’ all agitated. “Paradise Hole’s good for breedin’ murderous little Omegas, but not very obedient ones.”
Echo’s chest is heavin’. She pushes her mussed curls back over her shoulder, combing them behind her right ear. She shakes her head and I can see her dilated pupils strugglin’ to focus on me. My cock is in full-fledged agony, but I draw up the techniques I learned as a Beta for dealin’ with torture. I pull out a box, take off the lid, move my pain into it, seal it shut, walk it down a long stretch a’ hallway, open a closet door, stick it on the top shelf, turn out the lights, and slam the door shut, leavin’ my cock — my pain, my frustration, my agony — behind me.
I exhale through my nose, tryna keep up the appearance that I’m unaffected. She gets one whiff of vulnerability from me, my Paradise Hole Omega’s goin’ in for the kill. “You…you’re…” She sniffles.
I lift my hand to my mouth and lick my fingers clean. Her pupils dilate further and the box I got locked up in my head? Yeah, that fucker pulses with its own heartbeat.
“Why do you like to provoke me like that? It…it isn’t nice.”
Fuck. She shakes her head, comin’ down and tries to step away from me. The chain jangles between us and she glances at it andfuck.There it is. She breaks me just like that. She doesn’t even have to try. I wrap her chain around my fist and reel her in until we’re nose-to-nose. I slide my hand over her cheek, cupping the back of her neck.
I exhale in a jerky breath, “Because it’s fuckin’ funny, you thinkin’ I could ever look at another Omega when I got you. You…” I lick my lips. The words comin’ out of my mouth fuckin’ hurt. “You gotta know how I feel about you.”
“Jesus, Berserker,” Balcazar says, tearin’ me outta the moment with her hand on my shoulder. She gives me a yank and I woulda reprimanded her for it had her next words not frozen me in place. “Your Omega’s scent is even gettin’ tomeand now might not be the best time for it. Guests of honor have arrived.”
The ease in my bones turns to somethin’ knotted and feral. Thoughts of my dick in my Omega’s not-so-soft hand die instantly. “Thanks.” I’m starin’ down into my Omega’s eyes and several different thoughts coalesce at the same time.
I invited the Fates.
With the Fates come the fuckin’ Mirage City Berserker and he’s known for wanting to collect the most powerful Omegas.
I have a powerful Omega.
And then one final thought: Am I a fuckin’ idiot?
I glance over the hundreds of heads mingling in Echo’s garden and see a light shining from the far end of the space. There is commotion there and I know that he has arrived. I don’t have much time to get Echo out of here to safety while I confront Mirage City about the zombies his Fates created.
“Fuck.” I shake my head, wantin’ Echo outta here, but not wantin’ her to know why. “You…you want me to finish what I’ve started, you go to the bathroom and make yourself come.”
She just stares.
“Go, Omega.”
She pouts and she looks so damn cute when her bottom lip juts out. “I…you…”
I swoop down and capture her earlobe between my teeth, then suck it into my mouth until I feel her body sway towards me. Happens right away. I bite down hard enough to break the skin, affectin’ her with my venom while she distracts me with the taste of her blood. Dark and bitter with an aftertaste like caramel, it’s sinful and… Focus.Focus!
“Go, baby.”
“What are you hiding from me?”
“Nothin’.” I step back and watch her shift uncomfortably, the color still high in her cheeks. She frowns at me, but I don’t let her displeasure — or her arousal — distract me from keepin’ her safe. I unclip her chain from the cuff at my wrist. Feels wrong doin’ it in every possible way. I rub the metal around my wrist over and over and don’t look at it as I say, “Balcazar, take her. Make sure nobody bothers her.”
I hand Balcazar the chain and Echo looks at the Alpha woman with a blush in her cheeks. “You don’t have to hold that…” she starts.
“I do. Any Omega with an open chain means her Alpha’s declared her free for use by any a’ the guests.”
Echo’s eyes bulge out of her head. She holds the backs of her arms and she glares up at me with accusation, with a disgust that reminds me of my promises to change all this shit. “I know,” I hiss. “And I’ll fix it.” I’ll fix all of it. The zombies. Maengor and his Fates. Trash City. The man in the goddamn cave. The witch a’ the woods. I’ll make it all better for my Omega.