Page 98 of Kiss Me Again
“For us,” he finishes. “Perhaps we can work on listening this week.”
“Maybe. I’m going to go change so I can get out there with them while you keep cleaning.”
“That little black bikini? The one with the shorts?”
“Yeah. Is that—
“I like that one.” His eyes glimmer withthat lookwhen he says it.
“Then I will definitely wear that one.”
“And I will look forward to removing it with my teeth.”
When he says stuff like that, my knees go weak. I hope it’s always that way for us. “Same here.” I dart upstairs to his room and change, then meet the kids by the pool. They did well and hadn’t jumped in until I arrived, but only just.
We splash fight in the pool for a while, when I hear the doorbell. Without expecting guests, I’m a little confused by it, but if it’s important, Cormac will come get me. Being with Franny and Aiden is freeing. They have no self-consciousness, so they try things like no one ever made fun of them or told them no.
“Can you do a handstand in the water?” I ask them.
“How?” Franny asks back.
I smile, then flip in the water, bringing my hands as flat as I can to the bottom with my feet out, before the waves knock me off balance. “Like that.”
“I wanna try!” She ducks under and is back up in a hurry, sputtering and wiping water from her eyes. “That’s hard.”
“Nuh uh,” Aiden says, before he tries. He tries a few times before giving up. “Okay. It’s hard.”
“You’ll never accomplish anything awesome without making an effort. Try again. I’ll help.” I guide them both to hold their bodies up from the bottom, and after a few tries, they both get it. “Great job! When your dad comes out, you can show him.”
Franny claps her hands excitedly, shooting water at us all. Then the splash fight gets going, and it’s all I can do to hear Cormac when he comes out, carrying a manila envelope. So, I climb the stairs. “What is it?”
“Daddy!” Aiden shouts and then handstands, with Franny following suit.
He laughs. “Wow. Your handiwork, I take it?”
I nod, as they both pop up. “Good job, you two!”
“I am so proud of you!” Cormac says.
The kids beam from the praise and try to outdo each other on the next few handstands.
He does that parent thing, where his eyes are on the kids as he speaks to me. It was weird the first couple of times he did it, but I get it now. Eyes should always be on them, especially when they’re in the pool. “Dry your hands and take a look.”
“Just tell me—
I roll my eyes and dry my hands. “Good?”
He smiles and passes me the envelope. Inside are the proofs for my menus. This is really happening. And they’re perfect. And I’m speechless. I ring his neck and pull him in for a kiss.
He chuckles. “You like?”
“I love them. And I love you.”
“In that order?”
I laugh. “No. Maybe.”