Page 10 of Bitsy
“My body and mind are not exactly on the same page right now,” I say, trying to assert myself. “I’m going to go and shower.”
Viper chuckles softly as I follow his mom into the bathroom. I stumble but manage to catch myself on the wall.
“Aw, poor darling,” Victoria says sympathetically. “Your body is still in shock. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up so that you can rest.”
I can’t resist a bit of sarcasm, adding, “If your son allows me to, that is.”
“He’s just like his father,” she sighs. “Whoever he ends up with is going to be treated like a queen. But, in the process, he’s going to drive her to commit murder. These boys can’t seem to figure out where the line is.”
“The men in my family are the same,” I say, pulling my shirt over my head. “But I think they all know exactly where the lines are. They just ignore them.”
“I’m sure you’re exactly right, my dear,” she chuckles. “I’ll be sitting right here in case you need me.”
I step into the shower and moan as the hot water cascades down my body. I wonder if I’ll have the strength to stand and shower once I start treatments. As I wash my hair, I take my time running my fingers through the long strands. Knowing that Victoria is still in the room, I make sure to remain silent as my tears mix with the water.
It’s just hair. Logically, I know that. But soon, I won’t have any. My long, thick, blonde hair will be gone. My brows. My eyelashes. There’s a good possibility that I will lose them all.
Try as I might, I’m no longer able to hold back my cry.
“Oh, honey. Here, let’s get you out and dried off.”
I don’t move. I can’t. I’m rooted to the spot I’m standing in, my emotions making my legs too heavy to lift.
“I’m going to have to get one of my boys if you don’t move, honey,” she tells me softly. “I can’t lift you.”
Move, you idiot. Lift your dang leg.
Nothing happens.
Victoria turns off the water and I just stand here crying.
“I got her, Ma. Go on and rest.”
“She’s not doing well, son,” I hear her tell Viper.
“I got her,” he repeats.
Meanwhile, I’m on the verge of hysterics. I can’t stop crying, I can’t move. I’m not even sure if my eyes are open or closed.
“Come on, baby,” Viper says, lifting my wet body into his arms. “Let’s get you dressed and into bed for a few minutes.”
I don’t fight him as he dries my body and hair before dressing me in an oversized shirt. He doesn’t touch my body in any way that makes me uncomfortable. He simply cares for me. Something I’m going to need done a lot as my body battles against itself to save my life.
“It’s not fair,” I cry as Viper lays me on a soft mattress. I have no sense of time or direction. I simply allow this man, this stranger, to control everything.
“I know, baby,” he whispers against my head. Did he lay down with me? “It’s not fucking fair. But I have this overwhelming belief that you will get through this on top. And I’ll be by your side the entire time. Through every single step. All the ups and downs. I’ll be your rock, baby. Your unwavering support.”
“You don’t even know me,” I sniffle, my tears finally stopping. “Don’t make a declaration of love to someone you just met. Especially someone who might be dead in the next six months.”
“You will not die,” he growls. “I will not have it.”
“Great. Now you sound like my father.”
“And, I didn’t make a declaration of love,” he interrupts. “I made a vow, a promise, to someone I believe with my whole heart belongs with me. The moment I lifted you off of the pavement, it was as if my heart stopped beating for me and started beating for you. Our hearts beat in tandem with one another, Bitsy, because we are made for one another. If such a thing existed, I would say you were my soul mate.”
“Double great,” I laugh bitterly. “You’re a sappy romantic. The last thing I need in my life right now is someone promising forever when I can’t even promise tomorrow. I’m in no state of mind to be making romantic relationship decisions, Viper.”
“That’s okay since I’ve already decided for us. Now, let's go get you fed and then back into bed.”