Page 13 of Bitsy
“I am not,” he clarifies, causing us to laugh. “And he isn’t the shy type of gay. I can’t count how many times I’ve woken up in bed with a strange man beside me.”
Bitsy tosses her head back and laughs.
“Why is your eye twitching?” she giggles.
“Because Miles is trying to come forward to plead his case,” Venom tells her. “But he’s going to have to wait. He swears up and down that he’s never actually had sex with any of those men but simply falls asleep in their bed to mess with me. I’m not sure I believe him.”
“Has your ass ever been sore, brother?” Blaze laughs.
“Honestly, boys,” Ma chides. “Venom, finish your story so the poor dear can eat and get some sleep.”
“Yes, ma’am. Nowadays, for the most part, I can control who fronts. Like earlier, when Viper and Blaze brought you in, they needed Doc. Before, he only came out when I was emotionally overwhelmed, now, I simply step aside when he’s needed. I know it sounds weird, but I can’t do what Doc does.”
“The man I heard talking had a heavily British accent,” she says.
Venom smiles and nods. “Always trying to make sure the world knows he’s better than everyone else.”
“So, there’s you, Doc, and Miles? Can they talk to each other?”
“They can. They communicate with each other the same way you would think about something. There’s also Xander. He’s been with me as long as Ghost but for years, he never communicated with us. He just listened and watched. He didn’t front a lot back then but he’s the one who fronts the most these days. He’s always in a foul mood and gets so fucking mad when I or one of the other alters, makes a mess.”
“He’s also not someone to fuck with,” Ghost says. “I’ve never seen a more deadly person in my life.”
Xander has killed people for the club, but that’s not something I’m going to inform my little obsession of.
“I’m sorry about the reasoning behind all of that,” Bitsy says. “But I say this with all of the kindness in my heart. That is so freaking cool.”
Venom looks shocked but tosses his head back and laughs.
“That wasn’t the reaction I was expecting,” he says once he’s calmed down. “I guess it is pretty freaking cool.”
“Alright, dear,” Ma interjects. “Finish up your food. You need a good night’s rest before tomorrow.”
“What’s tomorrow?” she asks.
Ma smiles and walks away. Bitsy isn’t aware of this, but she has some visitors coming.
“I see you’re giving Viper’s food a try. I would warn you against it but his cooking is almost as good as Ma’s.”
“Thank you, Blaze,” she smiles up at my brother. “I’ve already had a few bites and am pleasantly surprised by how good it is.”
Her comment makes my heart warm, but I chuckle when I see the gleam in my brother’s eyes.
Here we go.
“Tell me, Bitsy, since we’ve met what is your opinion of me as a person?”
Bitsy’s eyes narrow in confusion as she takes another bite of her food.
“Well, you seem nice,” she tells him.
“Nice?” he asks. “Okay, how about my looks? Do you think I’m handsome?”
Bitsy glances at me before shrugging and answering. “I do. I think all of you are handsome. But, for some stupid reason, I’m more attracted to your bossy and annoying brother.”
“Touche,” he laughs. “You would think he was the oldest with how bossy and annoying he is. But that would be our lustrous President, Ghost.”