Page 18 of Bitsy
“I’m going to have Axe take over for a while so that we can stay down here with you,” Daddy says, his voice filled with concern. “According to Michael, this doctor has an abnormally high success rate with his cancer patients.”
The weight of the conversation has been pressing on me for hours. We’ve been in the Obsidian’s clubhouse, discussing my cancer. It was supposed to be a trip to forget for a little while, but the only thing anyone seems to talk about is that dreaded C word.
“Shouldn’t this decision be mine?” I ask, feeling overwhelmed. “We’ve been talking about this for hours, and I’ve had about as much as I can take.”
“Of course, honey,” Mom says, her eyes showing the depth of her love. “We just want you to know that if you do decide to go with this doctor, we’re going to be right here with you.”
I admit, “And that means everything to me, Mom, but can’t this conversation wait a few days?”
“Unfortunately, not, sweetheart,” Robert interjects. “There is only one more spot open, and the waiting list is usually several years long. You’re a prime candidate for this trial because of how early they caught your cancer, and if you choose to do so, he needs you on the schedule as early as tomorrow. Otherwise, he’s going to have to go with the next person on the waiting list.”
“Tomorrow?” I shout, my frustration boiling over. I stand and begin pacing back and forth. “What about my trip? What about the energy to go dancing? What about eating or laughing? What about the rain on my skin or the wind in my hair?”
I know I’m freaking out, but my last few days of freedom have just been shattered.
“I’ve got you, baby,” Viper says, his strong arms pulling me to his chest, wrapping me in warmth and security.
Everything hits me at once, and I just lose it. I scream until my throat is raw, and when I can no longer scream, I hit Viper’s chest with my fists over and over.
“Fuck,” I hear my dad say, his voice as broken as my own.
Viper’s arms tighten around me just in time as my legs give out, and I collapse. With nothing left to give, I just hang there, trusting Viper to keep me standing.
The appointment is set. I go for my preliminary visit to see Dr. Sebastian Stone tomorrow morning. He already has my medical files and is confident in a successful treatment.
I, however, feel like I’ve just lost everything. I know it seems silly. I still have my family and my friends. But everything about who I am is about to change.
The treatments this doctor uses are basically stronger, more potent versions of Chemotherapy. He calls it Targeted Chemotherapy. The side effects will be more intense, but the results will be much faster.
According to Dr. Stone, typically, someone with early-stage lung cancer, such as myself, can be hopeful for remission in as early as three to six months. He is confident that we can reach that stage in less than two months. But it’s going to be tough on my body.
“I’ll have Missy call in and reserve a hotel for us,” Daddy tells mom.
“Nonsense,” Viper insists, his voice carrying an air of determination. “The entire basement of my home has been converted into a guest floor. You’re more than welcome to stay there for as long as necessary. It has everything you could possibly need.”
“We couldn’t impose, Viper,” Mom responds, her tone polite but hesitant.
Viper is quick to reassure her, saying, “It’s no imposition, ma’am. Please, accept my offer. It has everything a house needs to run smoothly. You wouldn’t even have to go through the main floor to enter the basement area. It has its own entrance from the outside. However, I would be lying if I said my offer wasn’t out of greed.”
I hear my Daddy chuckle, but I don’t bother looking. I’m sitting on a chair next to a window, my knees tucked against my chest, and my arms wrapped around them, lost in my thoughts.
My head is telling me to stop acting like a freaking idiot. My attitude towards this isn’t going to help me any. I need to have positive thoughts and a positive disposition to help my mind through everything.
Movement catches my eye and I look up to see Venom leaning against the wall on the other side of the window pane, looking outside.
He looks different but I can’t quite put my hand on it.
“Did you sleep alright?” I ask quietly, remembering his story from yesterday. Reliving all of that had to have messed with his sleep.
“A little,” he said, his voice softer than what I remember from yesterday. “You?”
“I don’t remember falling asleep,” I admit with a soft smile. “I think I might have just passed out and regained consciousness this morning. Don’t tell Viper though, I have a feeling that he might freak out a bit if he knew.”
“Most definitely,” he smiles back.
We’re silent as the conversations continue in the background. I spend that time just watching Venom as he seems lost in his own thoughts.