Page 46 of Bitsy
I point to the closet on the other side of the room. He used to have them in the hall closet, but this isn’t the first time I’ve puked on our bed.
He pulls the soiled blanket from the bed before grabbing a clean one from the closet.
“I’m going to go and put this in the washer and then I’ll bring you up your medicine.”
He leans down and kisses the top of my head.
“Thank you, Ghost,” I say.
His smile is all the response I need.
It’s been a week since Viper was hospitalized and I feel worse than I ever have. I think it’s a mixture of my treatments and my fear of losing him.
Currently, I’m sitting in the living room arguing with my father.
“It’s not fair, Daddy,” I say. “If I wear a mask, I should be perfectly fine to go visit him. Everyone else wears a mask when they visit him.”
“Not happening, baby girl,” he responds calmly over the phone. “For one, it’s not safe. Regardless of whether you wear a mask or not. And two, Viper would lose his shit if he found out you risked your life just to see his mangled body.”
“Really honey?” I hear mom say. “Don’t talk about his body being mangled in front of his fiancée. Come on, we need to get going. How are the guys going to grill the steaks properly without you there yelling at them about how they’re doing everything wrong?”
I laugh because Mom is spot on. That’s exactly what happens every single time someone grills. Daddy just wants to always be in charge of everything.
“We love you, honey,” mom says. “Call us if anything changes.”
“I will, mom. Love you guys.”
I toss the phone on the couch and sigh when it rings, once again.
Dr. Stone’s name pops up so I reluctantly answer.
“Good morning, Doctor,” I answer. “Is everything okay?”
“Good morning, Ms. Williams. How is Mr. Knight doing?”
“His vitals are stronger,” I say. “He’s finally breathing on his own. The doctors are confident that he’ll wake up pretty soon.”
“That’s wonderful news,” he says, his voice light. “I’m calling because I’ve received the results of your last scan. Would you like to hear them?”
“No,” I say quickly. “I mean, yes, of course. But I want to wait until Viper is with me.”
“Alright,” he says. “I understand. In the meantime, continue with your treatments. How are you feeling?”
“Like I got run over by a stampede of dinosaurs,” I admit. “And, I have this massive headache that won’t go away.”
“The headache is likely from the stress you’ve been under regarding Mr. Knight,” he explains. “I can up the dosage on your pain meds and that should take care of it. How’s your breathing?”
“Nothing’s really changed there,” I tell him. “I’m fine as long as I’m not moving but get winded almost the second I stand. It’s not bad enough that I’m concerned about it, though.”
“If that changes, let me know,” he says. “Alright, Ms. Williams. I will see you tomorrow morning for your next treatment.”
“See you then, Dr. Stone. Thanks. Have a good day.”
“You too, Ms. Williams.”
Hanging up the phone, I toss it back on the couch seconds before it rings again.