Page 48 of Bitsy
“I’ll deal with it,” Ghost says. “Now, you were dead when we found you. I didn’t tell Bitsy that. She doesn’t know and it might be best if she never finds out. Doc did his magic and brought you back. But it was a close call brother.”
“I feel fine for someone who was just dead yesterday,” I say.
“About that,” Steel says, moving to sit on the bed. “It wasn’t just yesterday. It was three weeks ago.”
“You’ve been in a coma for three weeks, Viper,” Ghost adds when I don’t say anything. “You had a massive hemorrhage in your brain. You weren’t breathing on your own and you lost a large portion of your blood. The first week they had you in a medically induced coma. After that, they took you off the meds and we’ve been waiting ever since for you to wake up on your own.”
Three weeks.
“I’ve been here for three weeks?” I ask, freaking the fuck out. “What about Bitsy? Her treatments? What about my woman?”
“I took her back home to your place,” Ghost says. “I figured it would be easier on her if she were there rather than at my home. I was staying with her for a few days alone but then everyone packed their shit and moved into your place. Now, it’s the home of all of our brothers and our parents.”
“We didn’t want Bitsy to ever feel like she was alone,” Steel adds. “She’s been so scared and so sad. We all were.”
“We were stronger together,” Ghost says. “Bitsy’s emotional well-being seemed to improve after that.”
“Why isn’t she here?” I ask.
“She can’t brother,” Ghost tells me. “Her doctor very adamantly recommended that she stay away from the hospital unless her health requires that she go. I’ve taken her to all of her treatments and then straight back home.”
“She’s fucking furious that she can’t come and see you,” Steel tells me.
“They told me she was dead,” I admit, my voice breaking.
I explained about the delivery of the roses and the note attached. I told them what happened when I got into the taxi and everything that was said and done when those fucking cowards had me tied up by the time I came to.
“Well, they’re all dead now,” Ghost says coldly. “I’ll dig and find the information about this shark and I’ll get that taken care of. Right now, I want you to listen to your doctor so you can get home as soon as possible. That woman of yours won’t rest properly until you’re better.”
“I need to talk to her.”
Steel pulls out his phone and makes a call.
“He’s awake, Bitsy. He wants to talk to you.”
“Baby,” I whisper when Steel hands me the phone. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
“Viper,” she cries.
It takes several moments before we’re both composed enough to talk again.
“I’m sorry that I left you alone,” I say.
“I’m not alone, Viper,” she sniffs. “Our family is right here with me. I’ve never been alone. But I miss you so much and I was so scared. I was scared you were going to die. I would have followed you, Viper.”
“Don’t say that, baby,” I say. “Never stop fighting.”
“They won’t let me come and see you,” she says. “I miss you so much. How are you doing? Doc said that there was a chance your mind wouldn’t be the same when you woke up.”
“Doc needs to keep his fucking opinions to himself,” I mutter. “I’m fine, baby. The doctors say I can leave in a few days. I’ll be home soon. I love you, little one.”
“I love you, too,” she says, a smile in her voice. “Will you stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep? I’m so tired but I just haven’t been able to sleep without you.”
“Close your eyes, baby,” I tell her. “Just listen to my voice.”
I spend the next ten minutes telling her how amazing she is and how much I love her. When I hear her soft snores, I keep talking. I tell her how strong she is. How beautiful she is. I talk until my own eyes drift closed and I fall fast asleep on the chair.
Chapter Eighteen