Page 5 of Bitsy
Venom tried to mimic Doc’s accent once and it had us all in tears from laughing. It was horrible.
Xander’s the alter whofrontsthe most. He’s brutal and isn’t afraid to do dirty work when the need arises. He’s a stickler for the rules and has a massive case of OCD. Venom and Miles drive Xander crazy because they’re as messy as little children.
Miles may be messy, but he’s also very loving and protective. Miles’ personality in Venom’s body is a force to be reckoned with.
Venom is a mixture of all of his alters. He’s impatient like Doc, extremely protective like Miles, and Brutal like Xander. All of them together make the deadliest weapon we have. Which is where Venom got his road name.
“She’s waking up, brother,” Venom says.
I gently nudge Pops so that I can move to stand close to my angel’s face. She moans as she slowly opens her eyes.
Blue, pain-filled eyes look right at me and I feel as if my whole life has just been altered. I don’t know this woman or her history, but I have a feeling she’s going to be a huge part of my future.
“My father is going to kill me,” she moans quietly.
Chapter Three
Ican hear everyone talking but I can’t seem to open my eyes or get myself to make a sound. It’s almost as if I’m completely paralyzed. I passed out when I crashed but was conscious by the time the stranger lifted me off of the road and placed me on his motorcycle.
“She’s so young,” a woman says. “Did she have any ID with her?”
“What do you mean the same thing we were thinking, Ma?” someone says. “We weren’t just out for a joy ride.”
“She means how you boys never wear helmets, son,” I hear another man say. “What’s the situation, Doc?”
“She’ll be fine,” the man I’m presuming Doc grumbles. “Not some much as a scratch apart from her head. She just needs a couple of stitches and she’ll be perfectly fine.”
“She’s unconscious, Doc.” That’s the voice of the stranger who picked me up and saved me.
“Just a little nap,” Doc replies. “She’ll be waking up in a little while.”
I just listen as this group of strangers talks about me as if I’m not here. Someone at one point says that I look familiar to them. Maybe they know my father?
I finally feel like I can move, so I do. I manage to move my head which caught someone's attention.
“She’s waking up, brother.”
They’ve brought me somewhere other than a hospital, they keep calling each otherbrotherand I’ve heard a few nicknames thrown out. Not to mention being placed on a motorcycle to get here. Am I in another club’s territory?
I blink my eyes open and am met with the gaze of the most captivating man I have ever laid eyes on. His sea-green eyes hold a mixture of worry and care as they lock onto mine. His hair, a deep shade of brown, frames his face impeccably, and he sports a well-maintained clean-shaven look, accompanied by a subtle five o’clock shadow. A slightly crooked nose hints at a past break, adding to his rugged charm, while his tanned skin speaks of countless hours spent in the open outdoors.
Standing beside him is an older version of his likeness. Both look like bikers to me.
“My father is going to kill me,” I mumble.
“Not under my watch,” the younger male says.
“Not literally, goof,” I say, sitting up. “Dang, my head hurts.”
“Doc says you’re going to be fine,” someone says.
I glance to my left and see a black-haired man with a kind smile and dark brown eyes looking down at me.
“I can assure your Doc that being ‘fine’ is far from my current state,” I retort, my voice laced with a touch of sarcasm. “Once my dad gets wind of this, I’ll be in for a lifetime of grounding. Age twenty-six or not, I’m undoubtedly doomed.”
A kind smile graces the man’s lips as he responds, “Your old man can’t exactly ground you if you’re twenty-six.”