Page 2 of Orc-ishly Ever After
“You’re an orc, a son of a prestigious family. Anyone our sons choose will complete the tests or your mother will not give our consent to your mating. You know this.”
Grr. The matriarch might have the final decision, but her mate was allowed to have input.
“She’s human.” And hopefully she’d say yes. Nervousness shot through me, and I touched the jewelry box sitting in my pocket. I’d been carrying it around for a week, waiting for the right time to ask her.
“Human, you say? Your mother will be quite intrigued. She’s been reading about humans in novels. Can you tell me what in the world is tentacle sex?”
“I imagine it’s sex with . . . tentacles.” Something like that.
“You’re probably right. Your mother thought it sounded intriguing.”
I did not need to hear that.
“What’s your human’s name?”
“Wonderful. We look forward to meeting her. I’ll have your mother prepare the tests.”
And, if Kassia agreed to be my lifemate, I’d tell her what I could about the tests, which wasn’t much. Per tradition, a potential mate wasn’t supposed to be given time to prepare. Something about making it fairer.
“Alright, son,” Dad said. “Don’t forget to arrive before dinner on Friday. Your mother and I can’t wait to meet your potential mate.”
“Yes, I can’t wait to introduce her.” Please let Kassia agree.
We ended the call, and I left, driving to her place to pick her up.
When I pulled into her apartment complex’s parking lot, she climbed into my truck. Since orcs were so much bigger than humans, we drove oversized vehicles.
“Hey,” she said, leaning across the center console to give me a kiss.
My heart floundered. I’d fallen fast for this female. I was going to love her until my dying day.
“Hey,” I said right back.
She grinned and buckled. “What’s on the agenda for tonight?”
“I thought dinner and . . .” There was no time like the present. I pulled the box from my pocket and thrust it toward her. “Kassia, would you do me the honor of becoming my mate?”
Chapter 2
Squealing, I unbuckled and scrambled over the console, landing in Jarum’s lap where I clung to his shirt. “Yes, yes, yes!”
He grinned. “I’ve been worried you’d say no.”
“Why would I do something like that? I’ve been in love with you almost since we met.”
“Aw, Kassia,” he sighed, and his eyes gleamed. That was my big orc boyfriend, brawny on the outside and soft and squishy on the inside, just the way I liked him. “I love you too.”
We dissolved into heady kisses that soon got heated, finally coming up for air.
“I’ve been trying to drag you into my bedroom for almost a month.” I stroked his gorgeous green face, admiring his shoulder-length dark hair and his equally dark eyes.
I’d crushed on this guy from the moment he stepped into the high school’s gym in his athletic shorts and t-shirt and the principal announced he was the new Phys Ed teacher. I’d taught Social Studies and World Government at Baneroot High for seven years, and this was the first time I’d drooled over a fellow teacher.
“Believe me, it’s been all I can do to keep from taking you up on your offer.” His fingers slid beneath my shirt, teasing up and down my sides.