Page 116 of Dark Knight
It was always going to end like this, wasn’t it? No matter what I told myself, no matter how many happy little fantasies I tried to convince myself were true. None of it was real. In the end, he was always going to find out, and he was never going to accept us.
As I follow him down the hall, I know there’s no one but myself to blame. I might have driven a wedge between them, the kind of wedge that can’t be removed without doing damage. One more unforgivable act to sit on my conscience.
Once we reach his office, he slams the door hard enough to send a handful of framed pictures crashing to the floor. “You son of a bitch. You sick, lying, traitorous son of a bitch. My daughter. You would do that to my daughter?” He steps up close, his face inches from mine, and I smell the whiskey on his breath. It wasn’t twenty minutes ago that I watched him have that drink when he told me how much he wished I could stay here with him. How valuable I am. I knew it even then, didn’t I? I knew he wouldn’t find me so valuable when he knew what we’d been doing.
Now, I’m standing before him, bearing his rage. “I should blow your fucking brains out here and now,” he snarls, spit flying from his mouth and hitting my face. I accept it without flinching, standing tall and taking all of it, because it’s what I deserve.
Besides, there’s nothing he could scream at me that would be worse than what I’ve told myself. And years of facing down the father I knew had the power to end my life left me able to face this kind of thing without backing down. I have no doubt Callum could end my life where I stand, here in the middle of his office.
“You knew better. You knew what would happen if you did this, but you did it anyway. Haven’t I taken care of you? Have you always been able to come to me? Did it ever go through your head that this would be the ultimate betrayal?”
When all I offer is silence, he shoves me with both hands. Not hard, really, but enough to rock me back on my heels. “Goddammit, say something. Do you think you’re a big man? Do you think you can fuck with what matters most to me? That’s fine. But don’t stand there and look me in the eye without at least saying something.”
“What do you want me to say?”
His lids flutter. I surprised him. What does he expect? That I’ll beg for my life? That I’ll give him some sob story about how I fell in love with his daughter and how my own life doesn’t matter nearly as much as being with her?
It wouldn’t even be a lie. That’s the funny part. For the first time in a long time, I would tell him the whole truth.
I don’t deserve to unburden myself like that. I don’t deserve forgiveness.
“What do I want you to say?” He backs away, scoffing, looking me up and down and sneering when he does. “I want you to tell me what the fuck you thought you were doing with her. That’s Tatum, goddammit. My daughter. Fuck, she’s practically your sister!”
My head snaps back the way he did before I shake it firmly. “She’s not. I deserve your anger. I know I do, so I’m not trying to fight. However, she’s not my sister. I am not your son. I’m an employee, the way I’ve always been.”
“Fine. That’s how you see yourself? Then you’re a fucking traitorous employee who went behind my back and lied every step of the goddamn way. How long has this been going on? Did it start before you guys left? Or did you at least have the decency to wait until you were no longer under my roof?”
Before I can answer, he explodes again. “That roof might as well have been mine, too! I kept that fucking house for you after she died. I did it thinking you might want to go back there someday and put everything to rest. I did it for you, just like I got you out of there that night and put you on the path you’re on now. I saved your goddamn life.”
“I know you did.”
“And this is how you repay me.” His heavy sigh reveals his exhaustion – and maybe his sadness, too. “I expected so much better from you.”
“I know. And I know I’ve disappointed you.”
“You never answered my question, either. When did this start? How long have you lied to my face?”
“Not until after we left.”
“Sure,” he says with a laugh. “Now it all makes sense. There I was, thinking you offered to take her somewhere safe because that was all you cared about. Protecting her. All the time, you cared more about getting your dick wet.“
Don’t talk about it that way. I sink my teeth into my tongue to keep from warning him. It’s not my place. And I doubt he would take it well. If he lashed out and hurt or even killed me, Tatum would never forgive herself.
Even now, she’s all I’m thinking of. How brave she was back there, standing up to him. I’m still reeling from her confession, too. She thinks she loves me. She believes I deserve it. That makes one of us.
“Motherfucker.” From across the room, he glares at me, his features drawn together like he’s in pain or fighting tooth and nail to keep himself from murdering me. “Say something. Defend yourself. Don’t just stand there and take it like someone’s dog. Is that what you are? All this time, I thought you had guts. Turns out my daughter has more guts than you do.”
There’s only a brief flash of resentment following his snide accusation. “What I did was indefensible. There’s nothing I can say to make it better.”
“So you admit this was all your fault.”
“Yes. I meant it when I said it was my fault. You can’t blame her. I knew what we were doing was wrong. I knew it meant going against you and your wishes. But I did it anyway.”
One uncomfortable moment stretches out, followed by another, while the two of us stare silently at each other. His heavy breathing slowly quiets down, losing some of that bull-ready-to-charge sound. It's like he’s getting a grip on himself – though something tells me it’s grudging. He wants to be furious. He wants a reason to explode.
“I’m getting a drink. I’m getting one for you, too.” He goes to the bar and pours two healthy glasses of whiskey, one of which he thrusts my way hard enough to send droplets spilling over the edge. For once, I’m not going to refuse. I bolt it back all at once and silently savor the burning that spreads through my chest.