Page 122 of Dark Knight
Now I kind of feel like a tool since I didn’t get him anything. I figured it was the sort of thing we could always work out later, a belated gift. The way things have been since last week, it would’ve felt silly to hand him a gift yesterday. We’ve barely exchanged more than a few words at a time. And I was so sure he hated me now.
I’m still not wholly convinced he doesn’t, since his expression is stony as I accept the mystery gift.
“What is this?”
“Open it and see.”
I turn the envelope over in my hand. It’s simple, plain, unmarked. There’s no clue what could be inside. “For fuck’s sake,” he grumbles. “What, you think I would hurt you? With an envelope, of all things?”
“I’m wary.”
“Obviously. When are you going to learn I’m not the enemy?”
When you stop acting like it. Now’s not the time for that – I’m tired of fighting, anyway. The truth is, I’ve missed him so much I could cry just having him in front of me like this. How is it possible to miss someone you see all the time? It took roughly three seconds after he left my room for me to regret sending him away, but pride wouldn’t let me chase him.
More than that, I’m not going to make it that easy. I needed him to know I was serious when I said he hurt me.
“Fine.” I tear the flap open and pull out a folded piece of paper. There’s not much printed on it. All it takes is a quick skim to get the message. And when I do, I can’t believe it. I have to read it again. “Is… this what it looks like?”
“You tell me. You’re a smart girl.”
“I hereby resign my position.” I don’t know how to feel. I still can’t believe it, either. “You quit your job?”
“Well, let’s face it. I couldn’t exactly move in with you as an employee, right? It all seems pretty performative at this point.”
“That’s true, I guess?”
“But I still want to be with you. I have to be with you. And you wanted me to show you how much you mean to me, and this was the only thing I could come up with. Quitting my job and being my own man. I don’t need to live here anymore. I don’t want to, either. I want to be with you. And if you’ll let me, I want to work with you on your project. I… I think I need to.”
“Well, think about it. You’re smart as hell, but I’ve been handling the business side of things for your dad for a long time. I understand the ins and outs – contracts, negotiations, all that. And I happen to know some trustworthy contractors.” When I lift an eyebrow, he says, “For when it comes time to build. You need people you can trust and somebody to stay on their ass and keep things moving. I feel like I could be that person.”
“What if I said no? What if you quit your job for nothing?”
“It wouldn’t be for nothing. It would still be for you. If you said no, I would find something else to do. Your dad’s been generous. I can take care of myself until I find something worthwhile.” His jaw tightens. “Although you know it would drive me out of my skull, being hands off of this project. I want to be sure you’re getting a fair deal and everything goes smoothly. But if I had to sit on my hands and be a good boy and keep my nose out of it, I would do that.”
“I know how much your work means to you.”
“You mean more.” He shrugs. “I don’t know any other way to say it. Nothing matters more than you.”
“Did you give this to Dad?”
“This morning.”
“How did he take it?”
“Surprisingly well. I explained why it was important that I do this, and he respected the decision. I’ve already told him how it is. That I love you. This is my way of showing how committed I am to us.”
My legs are tired of holding me up. I plop down on the bed and search for something to say. What do you say when somebody hands you everything you dreamed of? He chose me over his job, his loyalty to Dad, his fear of letting the walls fall away. He chose me over everything else.
“You mean more than any job.” He says it so simply, like it’s obvious. “Don’t you know that? No, you don’t – that’s a stupid question. I know I’ve made you think loyalty means more. And I’m not going to lie and say you were wrong. For a long time, that’s how I felt. And it finally hit me after racking my brain trying to come up with a way to prove myself to you that what I needed to do was show you what matters most. This is the only way I could come up with, since you didn’t want to hear words. I’m in this with you if you want me to be. No more being afraid to lose control. No more holding anything back. And when we live together, it won’t be with me as a bodyguard and you as my assignment. If we do this, I want to do it with you as my partner. With me as yours.”
“I’m surprised Dad didn’t kill you. Like loving me and quitting at the same time?
“I was sort of surprised, too, but it makes sense after thinking it over. He wants you to have everything you need. I guess his being happy with Bianca makes him see everything differently. Your happiness is important.”
He clears his throat and all of a sudden he’s a kid again. Nervous, unsure of himself. I’m pretty sure I’ve only seen him this way one other time: the morning we met. “Is that enough? Can I kiss you, for fuck’s sake? Because I’ve been dying to.”