Page 2 of Perfect Together
“Yeah,” he muttered, knowing he would absolutely live to regret the decision.
“Yay!” She jumped up and hugged him tight before resettling herself into the chair behind her desk. “This isperfect! One huge problem taken care of. I knew I could count on you.”
Yeah, perfect,Sam thought, hating that word even more than usual.
“Hey, I promise Mike and I will stick by you all night. I won’t leave you alone with that leech.”
Sam narrowed his gaze. “So now you admit she’s a leech.”
Cara didn’t look up or meet his gaze, but the red flush in her cheeks gave her away. Yeah, he was a patsy for his sister-in-law and a good cause.
“You know,” Cara said, peering out from beneath her long fringe of lashes, “you could avoid this whole kind of thing if you’d just—”
Find a woman of his own. “Let it go,” he said in response to her unspoken words.
“Okay, but Mike’s right. The last woman who interested you was—”
“Let. It. Go.” Sam set his jaw.
“Fine. I won’t say her name.” Cara buried herself in work at her desk, but she’d accomplished her mission.
She’d brought up the one female in more than a decade who’d made Sam want to drop his guard and rethink his vow not to get emotionally involved with any woman ever again. But Nicole Farnsworth, the raven-haired beauty who’d triggered his current state of discontent, had left town months ago and she wasn’t coming back.
Nicole Farnsworth packedup her clothing and the last of her things, trying to convince herself she was moving, not running away. In fact, she’d planned to leave Manhattan since deciding to end her engagement, but now instead of just the excitement of beginning a new life, she felt the dual need to flee. She closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. Nothing she could do but go—get away—and do some soul-searching, during which she hoped to find clarity. But what clarity was there when she knew she held people’s livelihoods and even freedom in her hands?
The doorbell rang, and she looked into the peephole, unwilling to take chances by just opening her door. She stared into the familiar, if unwelcome, face of her mother, who, as usual, was perfectly dressed in a Chanel jacket and wool slacks.
Suppressing a groan, she opened the door and let Marian Farnsworth inside.
Before Nicole could say hello, her mother launched into one of her typical tirades. “No sane woman breaks off her engagement to a handsome, extremely wealthy man. One you grew up with, might I remind you? He and his family are in business with your father. What were you thinking?”
Nicole walked into the family room and leaned against the nearest wall, knowing not to give her mother an edge by sitting down. “I was thinking that I shouldn’t marry a man I don’t love.”
Her mother joined her in the room filled with the remaining boxes waiting to be loaded into her car. She folded her arms across her chest and pinned Nicole with her disappointed stare. “What does love have to do with anything?”
Nicole did not want an explanation for that bit of insanity. It meant she’d have to look more deeply than she cared to into her parents’ marriage. Instead, she drew a deep breath and promised herself she’d be on her way soon.
“Nicole, it’s insane to think someone like you needs to worry about a love match.”
She shrugged. “You know as well as I do, sanity doesn’t run in our family.”
“Don’t talk that way about your sister,” her mother chided, always looking to hide Victoria’s mental instability, as if being bipolar carried a stigma Marian couldn’t bear to admit to in her family.
The irony was Nicole hadn’t been talking about Victoria, merely making a not-so-subtle joke.
“Darling, you need to call Tyler and beg him to forgive you.”
Nicole had heard this before. “No.” And she had more important things to worry about than her mother’s reaction to her breaking her engagement. Like the illegal activities Nicole had overheard her ex-fiancé’s father and his accountant discussing—and what she was going to do about them. Considering, as her mother reminded her, that the partnership of Farnsworth and Stanton Financial Investments affected both families, Nicole needed distance to study all the angles.
Such as, did Nicole’s father know that his partner was accepting money from mob-connected companies and funneling that money into investments from which they all made millions? Did her ex-fiancé Tyler know?
“Nicole,” her mother said, snapping her fingers in front of her face. “You’re not listening to me.”
“Because I have things on my mind. Like moving.” Not just so she could get away and think, but so she could forge a new life where people would get to know and like Nicole for herself, not her family’s connections.
Her mother’s face flushed red at the reminder. It was amazing how the woman could ignore the evidence in front of her: the boxes, packing tape, and clothing covered by heavy-duty bags. “You have to reconsider. This whole situation is humiliating in the extreme. Not to mention, you have a job. Tyler’s mother is running for borough president, and you’re her number one fundraiser. She needs you.”