Page 20 of Perfect Together
“I obviously caught you leaving.”
She nodded. “I was going to look online and see what houses or condos are available to rent. I thought this place was cute when I first found it, but it’s too small. I can’t bake anything substantial here, and I’m feeling claustrophobic.”
“I can understand.”
She glanced at his full hands, realizing how rude she was being, and stepped aside. “I’m sorry. Come on in.”
He held out the flowers, and she felt herself blush as she accepted them. “Thank you. They’re beautiful.”
His gaze met hers.
He didn’t sayso are you, but the way he looked at her, devouring her with his eyes as if he could see her inside and out, made her feel all kinds of special.
She set the bouquet down on her counter, where she’d have a good view of them from wherever she sat in the apartment, looked at him, and grinned.
“What’s that smile for?” he asked.
She glanced at the flowers once more. “They’re daisies. I love daisies.”
“I’m glad. I wanted to get you something different.”
“Why?” she couldn’t help but ask.
“Becauseyou’redifferent,” he said in a deep voice, and her entire body flushed hot.
He glanced around the small apartment. So did she, viewing the one counter in the kitchen and the bed that remained in her peripheral vision. Yep, it was time.
“Want company on your hunt for a new place to live?” he asked.
She raised an eyebrow. “Really? You want to spend your day off helping me house or condo hunt?”
“I want to spend my day off withyou.”
She did a happy dance, at least inside. “Okay, then. Let’s go check the ads.” She grabbed her purse from the counter and swiped the keys off the hook on the wall.
Hours later, Nicole had discovered that for a small town, a variety of rentals were available and not all offered the same things. From condos like the one Cara had lived in, to an apartment complex downtown, to rooms for rent in a freestanding home, Nicole had her choice, and she and Sam had walked through every one.
Her legs ached; she was exhausted and ready to call it quits. “I don’t mean to be so picky, but nothing we saw works for me.”
She stretched her legs out in Sam’s SUV. He’d insisted on driving since he knew his way around town, and now she was glad she’d agreed.
“It’s not picky to want to like where you live.” He rested his arm across the two front seats, his fingers grazing her shoulder.
She suppressed a delightful shiver. “At least you’re not annoyed. Which I don’t understand. Most men in their right minds would have no patience for a day like today.”
“Are you saying I’m insane?”
She shook her head and laughed. “No, just special.”
He grinned, revealing that dimple in his cheek. “Thank you.”
“I guess it’s time to head home,” she said, discouraged.
“Not quite. There’s one more place that isn’t listed.”
She turned toward him, hopes raised. “Really?”
He nodded. “It’s in a nice neighborhood, has a backyard with a barbecue, and a really good-looking next-door neighbor.” He winked at her.