Page 68 of Perfect Together
Sam glanced overto where Nicole lounged at the edge of the pool, talking to Sara. Water droplets glistened on her sun-drenched skin, her dark hair a contrast to her paler flesh. She simply took his breath away, bringing up emotions he knew he’d have to deal with at some point, but not until the threat against her was gone.
As the women spoke, their conversation broken only by Sara’s reprimand at her daughter’s splashing, he caught discreet glances coming his way. He didn’t know what, specifically, they were discussing, but he could take an educated guess that he was the general subject.
“Women,” he muttered, amused despite himself, as he lay down and shut his eyes against the glare of the sun.
His mind kept replaying last night’s talk with Nicole, the revelation and discussion of things he’d avoided discussing or thinking about for years. Yet revealing himself to her felt right. And he was forced to admit that talking about his biggest failures in life helped ease the burden he’d been carrying for years.
He might not trust his personal judgment, but Sara had no such problem, even after Frank, and the result was a great marriage to a decent guy. Mark Stein owned a couple of luxury car dealerships, hence this beautiful house and pool, and Sara’s ability to be a stay-at-home mom to her daughter. Sam couldn’t be happier for her, knowing what she’d gone through to get to this point.
His phone rang. At a glance, he saw it was his brother and he answered on the second ring. “Hey, bro. What do you have for me?” He’d given his brother the names of the Russian art dealers Tyler had passed on to him.
“I took the names you gave me to Cole, who went to his contact with the feds. They ran them through their database, and this is big for them. They want to set up a sting. Have Nicole wear a wire while talking to Robert Stanton. Once he confesses to money laundering on tape, they can leverage that information and get him to testify against the Romanovs. They want the big fish, which will take care of Nicole’s problem.”
Sam swore and glanced out at the pool. Nicole’s laughter rang out as she splashed with Sammy in the water. He couldn’t help but grin at the sight even as his stomach churned at the thought of asking her to do as Mike asked.
“I don’t like it.”
“And I don’t blame you, but you’ve got no choice.”
He knew that. “I’m not telling her until it’s time. She doesn’t need to worry or panic.”
Mike paused before answering. “That’s your call. But aren’t you worrying a hell of a lot about this woman? I know you look out for those who can’t do it for themselves. And you’re seeing her, that I know. But how involved are you?”
“It’s none of your business, Mike.”
“That’s enough of an answer. AndIdon’t like it. Look, she’s a nice woman and all, but given who her sister is, don’t you think that’s going to make Thanksgiving dinners awkward?”
Sam nearly choked on his own saliva. “Dammit, Mike. I’m sleeping with her, not getting married.”
“It always starts in bed,” Mike muttered. “Trust me. I know.”
“It’s not like you and Cara.”
Mike burst out laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“That’s what I said when I was fighting myself.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“So I can tell Cole you’ll handle persuading Nicole to wear a wire with Tyler’s old man?” Mike asked, changing the subject.
“Yeah. But not until we’re back in town,” Sam said. “How’s Cara feeling?”
“Not good. Can you talk to her when you get back? I get the feeling she’s shutting me out. I don’t understand, but maybe you can get through to her?”
Sam knew what it took for his brother to ask. “Sure thing. Once I’m home, I’ll make it a priority.”
“Thanks. I’ll be in touch.”
Sam disconnected the call and joined the women in the pool, where he spent the next half hour having water fights with a six-year-old and carrying her around on his shoulders around the pool. More than once, he caught Nicole watching him with an expression he’d never seen before on her beautiful face. He didn’t know what to make of it but damn if he didn’t like it.
A little while later, Sara announced it was time for Sammy to take a bath, and then she could go to her friend’s house for the rest of the afternoon and dinner.
The little girl squealed in excitement, dumped her uncle Sam, and ran for the house.