Page 75 of Perfect Together
Mike laughed. “I never thought I’d see this day.”
“You haven’t. It’s just... it’s good. For now.”
Mike took his suit jacket off the back of his chair and slung it over his shoulder. “Whatever you say, little brother. I’m heading home to Cara.”
“I’m meeting up with her for breakfast before work tomorrow.”
“Good. Maybe you can figure out what’s going on with her. I’m sure she’s not telling me something, and it makes no sense.”
“And it bugs the hell out of you that you need me to dig.” Sam understood his brother’s way of thinking. He wouldn’t like it if he needed to find someone else for Nicole to confide in.
“You can say that again,” Mike muttered.
“I’m on it.” He slapped his brother on the back. “It can’t be anything terrible.” Mike and Cara were solid.
Like Sara and Mark. Erin and Cole.
Like Nic... Sam shook his head and pushed the thought down deep, far from the light of day.
The following morning,Sam walked into The Family Restaurant where Cara was waiting for him. “Long time no see,” he said, settling into the seat across from her.
“I’ve missed hanging out with you.” She smiled, but the emotion didn’t reach her eyes.
“Okay, talk to me. What’s wrong?” He covered her hand with his.
It wasn’t just that she’d lost weight or her skin was pale. Dark circles shadowed beneath her eyes, and she lacked the vibrancy he usually associated with Cara. “You still don’t feel well?” he asked.
She shook her head. “No.” She gestured to the tea in a cup in front of her, a decaffeinated wrapper lying beside it.
Sam gestured to the server. “Coffee, please,” he said, before refocusing on Cara.
This illness had been going on too long, reminding him of when his sister had had a never-ending stomach bug before discovering she was pregnant. He wondered if the problem was that basic.
He leaned in close. “You know, the last woman who didn’t feel well for so long was Erin, and she turned out to be—”
“Don’t say it!” Cara said, cutting him off with a wave of her hand.
Sam narrowed his gaze. “Is that it? Are you pregnant?”
She shrugged. “I’m afraid to find out,” she admitted in a half-whisper.
“That’s not like you. And it makes no sense. You’re married. You’re happy. In love, yes?”
She nodded, blue eyes wide... but not happy.
Which was crazy. Of all the women he knew, she’d make the best mother. She worked with abused women at a shelter and had a huge heart. Not to mention, Cara faced life and problems head-on.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
She opened and closed her mouth, as if building up the courage to explain. “I’m worried about your brother.”
“What about him? Helovesyou.” Hell, Mike had fallen so hard for Cara, even Sam had been envious of the intensity between them, knowing he’d never have that for himself. “Not to mention he’s worried about you. He asked me to pump you for information, and that’s wrong. You need to talk to him.”
She sighed, her eyes sad. “But he took so long to come around to the idea of settling in Serendipity—with me—and when we talked about kids, it was in the future. A baby now wasn’t a part of our plan.”
Sam shook his head at her attitude. “Mikewasn’t a part of the plan for my mother. Angel wasn’t a part of Erin and Cole’s plan. Life happens. You of all people know that. If you’re pregnant and he’s going to be a father? He’ll be thrilled because it’s with you.”