Page 6 of Towering Contract
“Oh. She does know a lot about gardening.” He purses his lips like he’s thinking it over.
I don’t exactly need permission from him to ask Zelly to stay with me for a few days, but it will go a long way to make things go over smoothly with Janet if he gives his blessing.
“They’ve already screwed up the plans several times, and I know she’s better with what to plant and where. I’d like to have the beds built as soon as possible, and it would really help me out.”
Leo nods and then shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t see why not. I’ll mention it to Mom, but it should be fine for a few days.” After he says this, he seems to have another thought. “She might not want to.”
“I know,” I admit honestly.
Ever since her accident a few years ago, I’ve kept my distance. It was for her own good, and I had my reasons, but I couldn’t exactly tell her at the time. It’s been awful keeping her at arm’s length, but the waiting is over, and it’s time to make my move. If anything, this party has pushed me into action ,and now I’m going to stake my claim.
“Then I guess it’s really up to her,” Leo says, and there’s no malice behind his words, only facts.
“Now that you and Janet have agreed.” I smile, and he shakes his head.
“You know she hates it when you call her that.”
“And that’s why I keep doing it.” I wink at Leo as the music begins to grow louder, and we all turn in the direction of the dance floor.
Janet Prince steps on to the makeshift dance area as the band stops and the crowd applauds. She smiles at the crowd before taking a microphone and welcoming the guests.
“Thank you everyone for being here with us tonight. I’d like to thank my new daughter Ella for helping me plan everything.”
Just then the crowd turns, and I see Leo’s wife standing in a ballgown fit for a princess. Leo walks over and takes his wife by the hand as he leads her onto the dance floor next to Janet. She says a few more words, and then the band begins to play again while other couples join in.
I’m scanning the crowd when my eyes land on something colorful in the corner. Feeling that familiar tingle on the back of my neck, I take a step forward just as the crowd clears.
Zelly is doing her best to try to blend in, but it’s no use. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and there’s not a chance in the world of her disappearing from me.
Isaw Flynn the moment I stepped into the room. He’s hard to miss since only he and my brother, along with a few others, stand taller than everyone. Flynn has always had an aura of power around him that’s sprinkled with darkness. Sometimes I wonder if other people can sense it too. Flynn is the first one to crack a joke to make people laugh. He can seem carefree a lot of times, but he keeps most people at arm's length. It’s weird that I’m now one of those people.
A server passes by with a tray of drinks, and I snag one. After taking a giant sip, I do my best to not make eye contact with anyone. I swear I can’t go two feet before bumping into someone, and I realize my mom really wasn’t messing around. I know she means well, but it’s all overwhelming.
It doesn’t help that Flynn is here. How can I think about another man when he’s in the same room? It’s hard enough not to think about him when he’s miles away. Out of sight out of mind is total bullshit.
Unable to help myself, I peek in his direction. The crowd parts, giving me a direct line of sight, and my breath catches when I see his costume. I jerk my eyes away from him quickly, wondering what the hell he has on. Is he a fucking knight? Can he be serious right now?! That’s how I used to think of him years ago: my knight in shining armor.
Without thinking, I toss back the rest of my drink. Tonight is cursed, which is ironic because I’m dressed as a witch. I should be doing the cursing, not having it done to me.
“Zelly, how are you?” a man twice my age asks, and his smile gives me the creeps.
“Great,” I chirp, handing him my empty glass. Okay, this is so not happening.
I shift around the room, doing my best to avoid Flynn, but with each step I take I know he’s not far behind. Am I hallucinating? Flynn has never followed me around. It was always me that followed him. Well, until I stopped.
When I peek back again, I see Flynn closing in. Then a beautiful redhead steps in front of him, and I narrow my eyes. I’m relieved she stopped him but I’m annoyed she’s there. When I see my mom and brother speaking across the room, I notice they’re in deep conversation. I can tell by the way my mother’s brows pull together that she’s not happy with whatever my brother is saying.
That’s different. They are always on the same team, and it’s me that’s against them. A pang of sadness fills me. When Dad was here, it was me and him against them. It used to be kind of funny until he was gone. Now I’m left without a partner.
“She will do no such thing,” I hear my mother say when I get closer.
“Who?” I poke right in. I love good gossip.
“Are you being nice?” My mom ignores my question and asks her own instead.