Page 13 of Kenji
She could still feelthe imprint of his lean muscled body against hers. It had a solidnessthat was undeniable. Scrubbing her hands over her face, she wonderedif he was going to mention it to Kane.
“Oh, Lord."She whispered, flopping back and putting her hands over her face."What have I done?" She had to tell someone. She had totell Caleb. He’d put it into perspective for her. Before shecould change her mind, she reached for the phone and called him.
"I was justthinking about you. You home?"
"Yes." Shetook a breath. "I did something incredibly stupid."
"There’sthis guy."
"I knew therewas a guy. Why else would you refuse a hot-looking man like me?"
"That's gross. Ihappen to think of you as my brother."
"Ouch. Thatstings. What about the guy?"
"Kenji Lee."She waited for him to place the name.
"That's yourboss' cousin. He was involved in something iffy back in Korea. Wait!You’re involved with him?"
"No." Sheclosed her eyes briefly. "He cornered me in my office and -"She passed a hand over her forehead and could feel the headachebrewing. "He - he kissed me."
"Did he forceyou?" Caleb's voice had gone dangerously soft.
"No," Shetold him wearily. "I shouldn’t have allowed it to happen,and I have no idea how it's going to affect my position there. He’snot only Kane's cousin; he also has an interest in the restaurant.How could I have been so stupid?"
"Do you likehim?" The question jolted her, and for a minute, she couldn’trespond.
"I despise him.No. I can’t stand him, and he’d be the last person I’dever be interested in."
"How was it?"
"How was what?"
"The kiss, mysweet girl. On a scale of one to ten, what's the rating?"
"I’m nottelling you that."
"That good, huh?What are you going to do about it?"
"What do youthink?" She demanded, sitting up. "I’m going topretend it never happened."
"Want myadvice?"
"I’m goingto offer it anyway. It sounds to me like you’re attracted tothe guy. Go to bed with him; get it out of your system."
"That's yourtake? Have sex with him, and then what?"
She could hear theshrug in his voice. "Then go on from there."
"You’re alousy friend."
"Hey, I’mjust giving you moral support."
"That's far fromgiving me moral support." She curled her feet beneath her. "Whyare you still awake?"