Page 21 of Kenji
"I can’tbelieve you just said that."
He grinned at her."When I was on the streets, we happened to be investigating aKorean gang. They were running drugs and guns - and trafficking younggirls from Korea.
They would pack themlike sardines in boats and ship them here to be sold to perverts fortheir sick pleasure. It was going on for years until we managed toget someone infiltrated in the gang. He was an Asian guy and couldspeak the language fluently. The head guy was scary as hell andwouldn’t tolerate disloyalty.
Several of hismembers ended up in pieces in the East River." He shook hishead. "My point is when we got the guy in an interview room; hewouldn’t budge. He’d sit there, staring at nothing inparticular, and wouldn’t say a word."
"What happenedto him?"
"He ended up inprison and was finally shanked by some brave soul."
"And the moralof the story would be?"
"Be careful."His expression had turned sober. "Kenji Lee isn’t someordinary guy. He has seen enough action, lost all of his family, andis carrying around anger that is waiting to find an outlet. He’salso wealthy and entitled. He might just want you for a night or twoand then discard you. You deserve better than that."
"My sentimentsexactly."
Kenji wasn’tcomfortable sitting behind a desk. More than that, he wasn’tcomfortable taking over his father's plush and spacious office, butthis was his birthright. He wasn’t supposed to be here at thistime. It wasn’t supposed to have been for years. Now, he wasthrust into the role, and he had to take charge.
The board members hadhinted at him. They hadn’t come right out and said it, but itwas there. Kane, on the other hand, had said it outright. They wereall right, of course. He couldn’t run away forever. He knew thecompany inside out, of course.
He’d beenbrought up learning the ropes. He knew the holdings, the shippingcompany, and the import and export business. The car dealerships thathad been plunged into scandal and made the news several years ago.Stories of hardcore drugs being shipped from Korea to the States.
The scandal hadbroken his father's heart and put a blight on their name. It wasstill there, the looks and questions, something which he did his bestto ignore. Now he was seated behind the massive desk taking hisfather's place.
He would do the job.He would carry on their legacy and would find a way to tame hisanger. He would also find a way to get her out of his mind. The firstwas doable; the second, he wasn’t so sure about.
"You’renervous." Kelly glanced at the younger woman, admiring theslinky black dress overlaid with silver that suited her so well.
"Can you blameme?" Chantelle's hand went to her throat, where she’ddecided to wear diamonds. "I’m going to be judged by alland sundry."
"Everythinglooks great, and the live band is one of the best in the country. Howon earth did you manage to pull that off?"
"I used Kane'sname."
"Of course. Myhusband has a way of influencing people. Love the dress. Romano's?"
"It cost me anarm and a leg, but it's totally worth it. Green is definitely yourcolor."
"I’d liketo think so. Ah, here comes the gang. You’ve met Leesa before,right?"
"Yes. As well asMonique and Stacy. Wonderful women."
"They are. I’llleave you to it then and go and find that husband of mine." Shetouched Chantelle’s hand lightly. “Any date for tonight?”
She shifted slightly.“Caleb. You might know him-“
“The writer. Ilove his books.” Kelly stared at her curiously. “He’salso hot."
"He is."
"See you around.Don't worry; everything looks wonderful."
Chantelle waved to afew people she recognized and made her way around the room. Thedecorations were tasteful and had the theme of all of Kane'srestaurants. Burgundy and cream. The tables were draped in dazzlingwhite, and champagne seemed to be flowing from an unending supply.