Page 24 of Kenji
She didn’t haveto turn her head to see who he was referring to. "I should goand dance with him."
"He’signoring his date." Kane sighed softly. "I thought I wasgoing to have to break up a fight between him and that Caleb guy."
"He’s veryterritorial. I’ve never seen him like that before. Very sexy."
"Kindly rememberwho you belong to."
"You are alsoterritorial, and that makes me hot." She touched the back of hisneck intimately. "I belong to you alone. Chantelle is back."
"How does shelook?"
"Like a bravesoul. I think Kenji managed to shake her up somewhat." Shekissed him on the mouth. "Let me see what I can find out."
"Darling, go andfind something to eat. You look like you’re starving."Kelly's golden-brown eyes had the blonde scurrying away.
"You’revery scary," Kenji told her with a lopsided smile. "Why didyou chase her away?"
"Because I wantto dance with you, of course.” She tucked her hand through hisarm.
“I’m notin the mood." He was about to snag another glass of champagnewhen she turned him towards the dance floor.
"The fight withChantelle's date has you riled up?"
He gave her a mildlook as he started to move in tune with the music. "I don't wantany trouble, and I’m done with her."
"Are you?"She touched his cheek lightly. "From what I, and everyone elsewho was watching, saw, it looks like you’re far from finished."
"She isn’tinterested. Let's just leave it at that. It might be for the bestanyway."
Kelly turned her headto look at the stunning woman making the rounds. She was quite goodat her job, with a smile that drew you in. Kelly liked her and wouldlove to see things progress between her and Kenji. "Perhapsyou’re not trying hard enough."
His eyebrows raisedas he, too, stared out over to where she was holding court withseveral people. His heart was aching, and that wasn’t the onlypart of him that was. He’d held her in his arms, and the scentof her perfume was still clinging to his clothes.
"Is that so?"
"Hmm. When I waspursuing your cousin, I’d never allow anything to stand in myway. Unless, of course, this is just a tumble in the hay for you."
"What if it is?"He challenged.
“Then I’dadvise you to find someone else to tumble with. I happen to likeher."
"I’ll keepthat in mind," he told her dryly.
Chapter 6
The opening was atremendous success, so there was that. The critics were raving at thenewest addition to 'classic elegant eateries' from Kane. She wasreferred to as gracious, beautiful, and personable. That wassomething as well. Chantelle had spent the rest of the night avoidingKenji.
If she wasn’tmaking her rounds as the manager/hostess, she was glued to Caleb,who’d somehow garnered his own fan club from the socialiteswho’d noticed him. He lavished her with attention, making itclear they were together.
There was alsomention of him in the papers as a cop-turned-bestseller author whoseseries had been picked up by a major network.
It didn’tmatter. She was all the way across the room from him; she could stillfeel his presence as if he was standing next to her. His hand on herbare skin, the scent of his cologne, and the intensity of his darkeyes.
She’d felt himwatching her. Once or twice, she’d met his eyes and was joltedat the smoldering look he’d given her. It’d shaken her tothe core. She didn’t make the mistake of going back to heroffice in case he came to find her. She’d spoken to Kane atlength and accepted Kelly's compliments regarding the evening.
She’d alsonoticed the man's obvious adoration of his wife and told herself thatshe wasn’t jealous. Several other wives had been there as well.Leesa, along with her extremely attractive husband, BradleyWellington, Monique with Leonardo, Liam with his lovely wife, Armani,and Adam and Amber.
They’d formed asort of clique and stayed together, the sounds of their laughter andmerriment ringing around the room. Stacy and her outrageouslyhandsome husband, Christian Stone, had arrived much later.